Corporate Archives comment

Corporate Archives comment

Hi Rosie, Great start so far! It's a huge topic to cover and you've done a good job covering the breadth of it. I realize you are still in the early stages of your wiki development so the following comments may not be relevant once you get going. I noticed that you have not hyperlinked any of your content so far which may enhance your wiki. Following the other pod members' comments, if you need any help getting your references sorted or linking, let me know. Again, I realize it's a huge topic to cover, however I found that your outreach section was a bit too general and specifically, the connection/link between the two outreach strategies was a bit vague to me and I couldn't follow it that well. This could be just me so take this with a grain of salt but maybe highlight the distinction more clearly? One other suggestion I have might be to change the title of your "struggles" section to something like "Issues in Corporate Archives" or something similar. 'Struggles' is quite broad in terms of its range of interpretation. Because your "ethics" section is quite small, I would also recommend amalgamating this "Ethics" section into the Struggles/Issues in Corporate Archives section, since this could be considered an 'issue' and could have its own subsection within the Issues Look forward to the end product!

KaitlinWood (talk)21:27, 30 March 2015

Thanks for the feedback!

I like your suggestion about ethics, I'll definitely do that. I can definitely expand that section, but perhaps not enough to make it's own section tenable. I'll also rename the struggles section for sure.

I'm working on completely overhauling the Outreach section, so you'll have to tell me what you think!

Rosie Bigelow (talk)04:30, 6 April 2015

Hi Rosie, I like the changes you've made to the outreach section- overall your wiki is looking really good! One thing I would still look at shifting around, in terms of organization, is the users/patrons section. Because you already discuss how business archives are not typically open to public users in the outreach section, you may want to incorporate the users/patron section into the outreach section OR put the users/patrons section before the outreach section. Other than that, I would maybe recommend expanding upon your examples of corporate archives in terms of content as your descriptions are quite brief. In the 'issues in corporate archives' section, I would maybe rename the 'power' subsection as something like 'power struggles' or 'influence' as power as a stand alone title is a bit vague. Awesome job- looking forward to reading the final product.

KaitlinWood (talk)21:03, 8 April 2015