Some suggestions

Some suggestions

Hi Mariko,

Great work! Your entry does a nice job of explaining the complex place that archives occupy in repressive regimes. I like how you have broken down the information in each of the case studies in the same sub-sections - makes for easier reading and comparison. One nit-picky thought I had was top perhaps put all of these into a section called Case Studies.

Also, in the section on Germany, you may want to introduce/contextualize this quote: “... the Stasi attacked and persecuted all internal opposition to communism, often displaying great cruelty and sadism.” And I think the quote should actually be written "[T]he Stasi attacked..." (I could be wrong about that though - I don't think I use a quote like that very often).

Finally, there are a few terms that I thought might benefit from being hyperlinked out to definitions: Soveitization (in the intro), respect des fonds, and original order (in the Archivist's Role section, third paragraph).


KathrynFerrante (talk)19:02, 8 April 2013

Hi Kathryn,

I appreciate all of the advice. In terms of the case studies, I was initially going to put them under one section called Case Studies as you've suggested, but I thought it might be too long as one section. I agree with your advice on the quote. I wasn't sure either, but I think you are right. I've added hyperlinks to the terms you've suggested. Good idea! I forget that readers may not know what those terms mean. Thanks!

Makazuta (talk)06:56, 9 April 2013