

Hi Cristen! This page is great so far. My first suggestion to you would be to more clearly establish any differences between the copyright challenges of digitizing records and making them available online. You touch a bit on this already but I think it would help to more specifically state them.

RobertMcLelland (talk)00:32, 20 March 2013

Hi Rob, thank you for pointing out that I need to clarify the difference between digitization and making them available online. Do you mean digitizing for preservation vs digitizing for public access online? I also think that if I am going to bring Born Digital records into the conversation, I'll need to include this as a separate section. What do you think?

Cristen (talk)03:46, 27 March 2013

Hi! Sorry I wasn't more clear. What I meant was the difference in copyright if an archivist were to make a digital copy of a record, but only make that digital copy available in house where access would be tightly controlled, vs. putting that digital copy online where anyone could access it and make copies at will. Does that make sense? I definitely think making Born Digital its own section would be a great addition and it makes sense to make a separate section for it because I do think it is a somewhat separate issue. Good luck!

RobertMcLelland (talk)07:11, 31 March 2013

Yes, that does make sense now. The Canadian Copyright Act was recently updated to allow copying for preservation purposes (with certain conditions) in archives and libraries, which is a good thing. I will have a closer look and do some more research to see if there are any limitations or problems with the new clauses.

Cristen (talk)00:02, 4 April 2013