Talk:GRSJ224/Criminalization of Pregnancy

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Comment/feedback005:18, 27 July 2019
Comment015:07, 26 July 2019


Your topic is extremely interesting and is very important pertaining to the increase of this injustice in the US. Especially with the abortions being difficult and illegalized, women are increasingly being unfairly held responsible for miscarriages and stillbirths. I especially like your intersectional analysis and case study of Regina McKnight, that showed the classist and racialized dynamics at play. I think that the introduction should be a bit longer, including a short summary of what your later points are trying to achieve. By this I mean that the fetus over human rights sections and intersectionality should be introduced in the introduction. Also, I think that the case study should be a sub-section of intersectionality (you do this by making the title a smaller heading), as it is more of an example than a 4th point. I've learned quite a bit from reading this, and am glad that you chose to persue this important SJ issue.

KhadijaAhmed (talk)05:18, 27 July 2019


Thank you for writing about this topic. I never knew how difficult it could be for a woman to be pregnant. I knew a little bit about the stigma against bad mothers who did not want to be mothers, however, I did not know just how many women have been incarcerated for their actions whilst pregnant. as you've mentioned in your wiki, the father is just as responsible for a pregnancy as the mother is and it is completely unfair that they get away with almost everything that has to do with the pregnancy. From what I learned in my brain and behaviour course, alcoholic father can have a transgenerational epigenetic effect on their offspring, causing cognitive impairments. I think that if a woman suffering from drug addiction is incarcerated for her drug use, an alcoholic father should also be considered a hazard and harm to the unborn child. I learned a lot from your wiki and it helped me to look at the justice system in a more critical manner. The criminalization of pregnancy is very thought provoking and I think that you sent your message across in a very clear and concise manner!

KadekHunter (talk)15:07, 26 July 2019