

Thank you for writing about this topic. I never knew how difficult it could be for a woman to be pregnant. I knew a little bit about the stigma against bad mothers who did not want to be mothers, however, I did not know just how many women have been incarcerated for their actions whilst pregnant. as you've mentioned in your wiki, the father is just as responsible for a pregnancy as the mother is and it is completely unfair that they get away with almost everything that has to do with the pregnancy. From what I learned in my brain and behaviour course, alcoholic father can have a transgenerational epigenetic effect on their offspring, causing cognitive impairments. I think that if a woman suffering from drug addiction is incarcerated for her drug use, an alcoholic father should also be considered a hazard and harm to the unborn child. I learned a lot from your wiki and it helped me to look at the justice system in a more critical manner. The criminalization of pregnancy is very thought provoking and I think that you sent your message across in a very clear and concise manner!

KadekHunter (talk)15:07, 26 July 2019