Talk:Discrimination Against Asian Americans

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comment006:39, 27 July 2019
Feedback002:46, 27 July 2019
Feedback000:57, 27 July 2019
Comment005:08, 26 July 2019
Comment005:05, 25 July 2019
Comment004:19, 25 July 2019
comment 011:37, 24 July 2019
Citations123:19, 23 July 2019


Your article is extremely thorough defining important aspects of the Asian American discrimination in a congruent and easy to understand manner. The intersectional differences you cover between Asians compared to other races as well as the differences between Asian men and women are concise and straightforward. If you do have extra space to talk about more intersectional differences and influences for different kinds of Asian ethnicities it would undoubtedly be interesting. There probably is even less information on this deeper intersectional analysis of different ethnicities, but it would likely reveal some fascinating differences.

AlexShen (talk)06:39, 27 July 2019


I like your article so far, it's very concise and well done. One suggestion I have would be to go into the background and sources of the discrimination. I know it might be hard to fit in the word count but I would love to learn about the discrimination they faced post WWII when USA-Japan tensions were really high... or potentially their portrayal in the media contributing to the discrimination. Overall its really well done and I especially liked your analysis of eroticizing and fetishizing of Asian American women.


CaelinPalmer (talk)02:46, 27 July 2019


I like your analysis and topic of choice, I think it's a very interesting idea and the way you explore it is very robust. I think the way you've broken it down is very concise and straight to the point/ I think the approach you take makes it much easier to follow, dividing the different problems between asian American men and women to showcase the way intersectionality comes into play. With your approach the wiki is very solid. Good luck with the rest of it!

ShikharNandi (talk)00:57, 27 July 2019

Hey there,

I really appreciated that you differentiated between the different types of discrimination that Asian women face and Asian men face. I thought it really added to your intersectional analysis and dug deeper than the surface level of this prevalent issue.

As an Asian Canadian myself, I truly resonated with how discrimination has evolved from overt to microaggressions (great choice bolding the term because now it really sticks to me). Even just small formatting things like that really make your article stand out. Thanks for this!

ClaraNg (talk)05:08, 26 July 2019

Hi Fion! I found your wikipage extremely well written and I enjoyed reading it! As an Asian American, I find that there are so many stigmas and stereotypes that do not get attention and are often overlooked. I think that in society, this is definitely something that needs to change. In particular, I love how you used an intersectional lens to analyze Asian American women. I strongly agree with you with all of the discrimination that they face. There is a lot of sexualizing asian women, which is why there are term like "yellow fever" or "asian fetish". One thing that may strengthen your wikipage would be is to discuss how this discrimination has an impact on the type of roles Asians can play in tv shows and movies. Most of the roles are very stereotypical Asians, smart, nerdy, bad drivers, ect.

AshleyTanaka (talk)05:05, 25 July 2019


Thank you for writing about this topic. Discrimination against asian-americans really interests me because I have an asian mother who faces micro-aggression daily, especially because she works in academia and still has a strong accent. To share a little about her experiences as a first generation asian-american, often times, people will not take what she says seriously and often questions her intelligence. In addition, growing up, she was often mistaken for my maid due to my fair complexion in comparison to her. I think that talking about micro-aggression is very important because people lack the knowledge to understand what it is and how it effects people in their day-to-day lives. Due to the daily micro-aggression my mother received, it made her feel and believe that she has very little worth in comparison to others and does not deserve the praise and awards she receives. I think that you did a beautiful job discussing the problems and obstacles that asian-americans face and lets people know of how difficult it can be to be a minority in north america.

KadekHunter (talk)04:19, 25 July 2019

Hi Fion,

I find your wiki post to be very well written and concise. I particularly like how you adopted an intersectional approach in analyzing discrimination faced by Asian American men and women. Although there are certain types of discrimination that are indiscriminate towards gender, but Asian American men and women certainly face discrimination that are more “exclusive”. Your work in explaining Asian American women being fetishized and Asian American men struggling to conform to the white ideals of a man are very informative and thought provoking, good work!

LikHangWong (talk)11:37, 24 July 2019

Hi Fion, I found your Wiki page really informative! I particularly like the table you created to emphasize how discrimination can take many forms. One area for improvement may be to include more citations after some of your claims (I apologize if you are still in the process of doing this, and if this is the case, please just ignore my comment).

The phenomenon of identity denial came to mind as an example of discrimination you may want to mention as an example of a more covert form of racism. Here is a citation to an encyclopedia entry on the topic:

Huynh, Q. (2013). Identity denial in K.D. Keith (Ed.). Encyclopedia of cross-cultural psychology(pp.682-684). John Wiley & Sons Inc. doi: 10.1002/9781118339893.wbeccp276

I also noticed that you don’t address the intersection of race and disability in your analysis. I came across a study which found experiences of oppression heightened among Asian American Pacific Islanders who identify as having a disability compared with those who do not. Here is a citation in case you are interested:

Mereish, E. H. (2012). The intersectional invisibility of race and disability status: An exploratory study of health and discrimination facing asian americans with disabilities.Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care, 5(2), 52-60. doi:10.1108/17570981211286796



TaliaMorstead (talk)20:38, 19 July 2019

Hi Fion, I too enjoyed the table you created discussing the different types of discrimination. It was short and sweet and visually pleasing because it wasn't a big chunk of text. It was a good choice doing this as it creates a break from all the other text around it.

Although it is a draft, there were a few sentences that were repeated as if copy-pasted. Remember to give your final copy a proof read!

Also, "Although the intent behind exoticizing and fetishizing Asian American women is not malicious (usually originates from a positive intent), it has serious detrimental effects on the mental well-being of women that receive those comments"

if you are able to explain how it is positive intent, I feel as if this sentence can possibly rub the reader in the wrong direction. It might be better to remove this sentence and continue on with the next one. It's easy to misunderstand and took myself a few times to reread to understand. Although exoticizing and fetishizing can seem harmless, it can be seen as quite a sensitive topic that is easily misconstrued if not explained thoroughly.
AvneerDhillon (talk)23:19, 23 July 2019