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We must solve this eigenfunction expansion. First, following the hints, we consider the problem without a source term

and attempt a separation of variables :

for some fixed constant .
Let's start with the x-equation.

From the boundary conditions we require to be positive. Therefore

To plug in the boundary conditions we first calculate the derivative of :

so that . From the boundary condition , we get A = 0. (The possibility that is ruled out by the other boundary condition).
Similarly, from , we get

Hence, the eigenfunction for

is given (after suppressing the arbitrary constant B) by

At this point we have where we normally would find for this problem. This would lead us to a solution of the form:
However, recall that the problem we really want to solve is , not just .
We use the same eigenfunctions for x and now allow our coefficients to depend on t (which subsumes the terms as well). Thus

so that becomes

Recall that so we get

Further, recall that our eigenfunctions are orthogonal

so we can multiply both sides by and then integrate over x to get

Also recall that so that Therefore,

We can solve this by integrating factor,

Recall that and hence

so that

where we have redefined the constant. To solve for the arbitrary constant recall that

We use orthogonality once more to obtain Using the above we get

which implies Hence, we finally conclude that
![{\displaystyle u(x,t)=\sum _{n=0}^{\infty }{\frac {2(-1)^{n}}{\sqrt {\lambda _{n}}}}\left[\left(1+{\frac {1}{\lambda _{n}}}\right)e^{-\lambda _{n}t}+{\frac {t-1}{\lambda _{n}}}\right]\cos \left({\sqrt {\lambda _{n}}}x\right),}](