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Writing Across the Curriculum Texts for Teachers
This list was originally shared on the POD Listserv and is archived here. It is meant to be the beginning of resources for those interested in pedagogical approaches to including writing in classes across disciplines. Also included here are resources for students. The list is organized by discipline, although general resources may be found at the beginning of this list.
Emig, Janet. "Writing as a Mode of Learning." The Writing Teacher's Source Book. 2nd ed. Ed. Gary Tate and Edward P.J. Corbett. New York: Oxford UP , 1988. 85-93.
Zinsser, William. Writing To Learn. New York: Harper and Row, 1988.
Sommers, Nancy. Responding to Student Writers. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s Press, 2013. Part of Bedford’s professional development series, faculty can order a free copy from their Bedford representative.
Writing in the Disciplines
University of Richmond’s Writer’s Web: Writing in the Disciplines. This is a resource for students.
Carter, Michael. “Ways of Knowing, Doing, and Writing in the Disciplines.” CCC 58.3: Feb 2007), 385-418.
Cullick, Johnathan S. and Terry Myers Zawacki. Writing in the Disciplines: Advice and Models. NY: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2011. A textbook for students that provides instruction and models for writing in biology, business, criminal justice and criminology, education, engineering, history, music, nursing, and biology. Instructors can request a free copy from their Bedford representative.
Writing in the Disciplines (Springfield College) Definition and discussion. A brief discussion of writing in the disciplines, how to combine it with writing to learn activities, and some discussion about how to grade papers.
Writing across the Curriculum
Lutzker, Marilyn. Research Projects for College Students: What to Write Across the Curriculum. NY: Greenwood P, 1988.
Bean, John. Engaging Ideas: The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001.
Vernon, Laura. What Every Student Should Know about…Writing Across the Curriculum. NY: Pearson/Longman Publishers, 2008. A text for students that includes advice and models of summaries, lab reports, policy/position papers, analysis, letters and memos. Faculty may order desk copies through their Pearson representative.
Moore, Randy. "Does Writing About Science Improve Learning About Science?" Journal of College Science Teaching. 12.4 (Feb 1993): 212-217.
Lots of links to writing ideas and assessment of writing for the sciences
Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science Students, resources for teachers and students.
George Mason University’s Guide to Writing in Biology including how to write summaries, scientific papers, and other items.
Micheli, Ana and Patricia Iglesia. “Writing to Learn Biology.” A discussion of writing in biology with a report about the results
Brenson, Sarah and Glenda S. Carter. "Changing Assessment Practices in Science and Mathematics." School Science and Mathematics. 95.4 (April 1995) 182 - 186.
Gratz, Ronald K. "Improving Lab Report Quality by Model Anaylsis, Peer Review, and Revision." Journal of College Science Teaching. 19.5 (Mar/Apr 1990): 292 - 295.
Goodman, Daniel and John Bean. "Chemistry Laboratory Project to Develop Thinking and Writing Skills." Journal of Chemical Education 60.6 (June 1983): 483 - 485.
Klein, Bill and Besty M. Aller. "Writing Across the Curriculum in College Chemistry: A Practical Bibliography." Language and Learning Across the Disciplines. 2.3 (1998): 25-35.
Steiner, Richard. "Chemistry and the Written Word." Journal of Chemical Education. 59.12 (Dec 1982): 1044.
Erikson, Martin. “How to Write Mathematics.” A guide to writing mathematical arguments
A site dedicated to teaching others how to use writing in mathematics classes. The site looks as if it is aimed toward K-12 teachers, but has great ideas about how to incorporate writing in mathematics classes that can be adapted to college, too. The site also has other resources.
Crannell, Analisa. “A Guide to Writing in Mathematics Classes” Includes a justification for why students should write in math class as well as a guide about what to include in longer papers about math.
Writing in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science classes (for students):
University of Toronto guide for students and graders:
A homepage with a variety of helpful links:
Guidelines for writing a philosophy paper:
An online article by David Zehr that discuses writing in psychology classes and offers specific ways to integrate writing in psychology classes.
Tips for writing history papers Boston University:
Michael Libbee & Dennis Young. “Teaching Writing in Geography Classes.” Journal of Geography. Volume 82, Issue 1, 1983.
Political Science
Writing in Political Science: A Guide for students:
Sample writing assignments:
Writing in Economics Classes Includes a discussion about the types of assignments, qualities of writing in economics, a discussion of evidence, citation formats, and advice for the undergraduate student.
Gregor, John. “Writing to Learn Economics.” An article that includes justification for writing in economics as well as sample assignments.
Incorporate writing assignments into music classes You Tube (10 Minutes):
Religious Studies
A Guide to Writing in Religious Studies (Harvard University) Includes discussions about the writing process, using and interpreting evidence, anticipating and refuting counterarguments, and a checklist, among other things.
Dennis A. Wright, “Using Writing to Enhance Learning in Religious Education: Practical Ideas for Classroom Use,” in Religious Educator 3, no. 3 (2002): 115–121.,%202002/using-writing-enhance-learning-religious-education-practical-ideas-
Literacy in religious-based education: for school-based use of self-education
- Bailey, S. (2011). Academic writing: A handbook for international students. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
- Baumann, J. F., & Graves, M. F. (2010). What is academic vocabulary? Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 54(1), 4-12. doi:10.1598/JAAL.54.11.
- Castelló, M., & Donahue, C. (2012). University writing: Selves and texts in academic societies. Bingley: Emerald.
- Greene, S., & Lidinsky, A. (2008). From inquiry to academic writing: A text and reader. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's.
- Hartley, J.,Ph.D. (2008). Academic writing and publishing: A practical handbook. New York: Routledge.
- Hartley, J., & MyiLibrary. (2008). Academic writing and publishing: A practical guide. New York: Routledge.
- Kvasnickova, A. (2005). How to read and write academic texts in social sciences. BRATISLAVA: SLOVAK ACADEMIC PRESS LTD.
- McCormack, R., & Victoria Univ. of Tech.,Melbourne (Australia). (2002). Learning to learn: The next step. teaching adults how to read and write academic discourse Language Australia, Melbourne, Australia.
- Oshima, A., & Hogue, A. (2007). Introduction to academic writing. White Plains, NY: Pearson/Longman.
- Swales, J., & Feak, C. B. (2004). Academic writing for graduate students: Essential tasks and skills. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Online Resources
Strategies to improve student writing - The IDEA Center Publications
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