Documentation:RelLex/cuystwí malh ucwalmícwts - ucwalmícwts Curriculum for Intermediates

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cuystwí malh ucwalmícwts - ucwalmícwts Curriculum for Intermediates

Relational Lexicography Knowledgebase
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Language Name


Alternate Language Names

St̓át̓imcets, Sƛ’aƛ’imxǝc, Ucwalmícwts.


British Columbia, Canada.


Lorna Williams (Editor); Jan van Eijk, Gordon Turner (Assistants).

Others Involved

Marie Leo, Charlie Mack, Ernie Pascal, Celina Dan, Albert Nelson, Harry Dan, Adelina Williams (Contributors); Susan Mitchell (Info on Medicinal Plants); Marie Joseph (Artwork); John Abraham (Cover Design).

Publishing Information

Published 1979 by the Ts̓zil Publishing House, Mount Currie, BC.

How People are Cited

People are cited on page 2 of the resource.

How Information is Cited

Speakers are cited by name on page 2 of the resource.

Where is Information Coming from

Entries and other information in this resource mainly comes from speakers.

Tools and Framework used

This resource is available as a physical book.


This resource is accessible through libraries.

Included Languages and Directionality

Lillooet to English.

Dialects Included

This resource includes information from the Lower/Southern (Lil̓wat7úlmec or Mount Currie) dialect.

Type of Dictionary

This a curriculum rather than a dictionary. It contains bilingual, mono-directional, topical word lists.

How are Entries Organised

This is a language curriculum resource for Lillooet language teachers. It is organized by topics and contains word lists throughout the resource. The first two chapters include ideas about how to structure the language course, including how much language to teach per day, activity ideas, learning objectives, and an excursion plan. There are activity ideas related to individual topics/lessons included throughout the resource.

There are small topical word lists throughout the first chapter, including words related to the five senses, colours, shapes, numbers, and days of the week. However, the bulk of the word lists begin in chapter three. The included topical word lists in each chapter are as follows: chapter three is about the body, chapter four is about genealogy, chapter five is about clothing, chapter six is about the home, chapter seven is about the classroom, chapter eight is about food, chapter nine is about customs and spiritual beliefs, chapter ten is about illness, chapter eleven is about time and the landscape, chapter twelve is about medicinal plants, chapter thirteen is about other plants, chapter fourteen is about land- and sky-based creatures, chapter fifteen is about fish, chapter sixteen is about qualities, chapter seventeen is about parts of speech and expressions, and chapter eighteen is about conversation.

Entries within the word lists include the Lillooet headword and the English translation. There is no other information in the entries. Entries in chapter twelve also include what ailment plants can be used for and directions for use.

Other Features

Feature Included More Information
Guide to use and understand Chapters one and two offer descriptions of the included curriculum and how best to use this resource
Images Hand-drawn illustrations associated with the topic and activities
Example phrases As their own entries throughout most topics; chapter eighteen is entirely phrases
Speakers marked
Dialects marked There is only one dialect included

Other Notes

This is a curriculum book for teachers with word lists included in each unit. Overall, this resource contains a large amount of vocabulary.

External Links

Reference on WorldCat: