Documentation:RelLex/Wehewehe Wikiwiki

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Wehewehe Wikiwiki

Relational Lexicography Knowledgebase
About RelLex
An index of under-resourced North American language references, including print and digital dictionaries.
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Language Name


Alternate Language Names

'Ōlelo Hawai'i.


Hawaii, United States.


Ke Kulanui o Hawai'i ma Hilo, Ka Haka 'Ula O Ke'elikōlani College of Hawaiian Language, and Ulukau (Providers of dictionary).

Others Involved

There is no information included in this resource about others involved.

Publishing Information

This is a digital dictionary that doesn't display any information on launch dates. Information on updates is displayed in the Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log for each entry.

How people are cited

The organizations involved in the creation of the dictionary are cited in the website's footer under Provided by.

How information is cited

The information in this dictionary is more generally cited under Referenced Books (found in the Glossary at the bottom of the page) and more specifically within each entry under References, and next to the headword, on the top right (with a little book icon).

Where is information coming from

The entries in this dictionary come from previously published resources, including: Andrews dictionary (1865), A dictionary of the Hawaiian language (Andrews-Parker, 1922), and Hawaiian Dictionary (Pukui & Elbert, 1986). Entries also come from a Hawaiian translation of the bible. All referenced materials can be found with their corresponding abbreviation in Referenced Books under Glossary (within References) in the website's footer.

Tools and Framework used

This is an online dictionary website. It has search capabilities in English and Hawaiian.


This dictionary is open access.

Included Languages and Directionality

Hawaiian to English, English to Hawaiian.

Dialects Included

No dialect is specified for this dictionary.

Type of Dictionary

This is a bilingual, bidirectional dictionary.

How are entries organised

Entries have to be searched in Hawaiian or English, and appear alphabetically (Hawaiian to English; English to Hawaiian) in the search. Entries cannot be browsed. All entries include the definition, but not all provide Related entries with hyperlinks to access them, or example sentences.

The Hawaiian entries, which can be found by searching in Hawaiian have much more extensive entry information. These entries include a headwork, English translations, examples, related entries, and part of speech information.

Other features

Feature Included More Information
Guide to use and understand There is no explicit guide to understand the dictionary, but there is a Glossary (in the website's footer, under References) that explains the abbreviations used in entries and the resources referenced
Example phrases Not all entries include example phrases
Speakers marked
Dialects marked

Other Notes

This dictionary is connected to the online dictionary Kepano's Combined Hawaiian Dictionary for Browsers and the online Ulukau: Hawaiian Dictionaries.

The website interface can be viewed in English, Hawaiian, or Hawaiian & English (the menu to change the language interface can be found in the top right corner of the website). The website also includes a Word of the Day on the home page.

Under References (in the website's footer) there is a Glossary page that explains abbreviations used on the website, and a Tags page that organizes entries into thematic categories (although it does specify it is "only a partial list as word tagging is not complete).

External Links

The Wehewehe Wikiwiki website can be found here: