Documentation:RelLex/The Southern Sierra Miwok Language

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The Southern Sierra Miwok Language

Relational Lexicography Knowledgebase
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Language Name

Southern Sierra Miwok.

Alternate Language Names

Meewoc, Mewoc, Me-Wuk, Miwokan, Mokélumne, Moquelumnan, San Raphael, Talatui, Talutui, Yosemite.


California, United States.


Sylvia M. Broadbent.

Others Involved

W.E. Bull, C.D. Chrétien, M.B. Emeneau, M.R. Haas, Harry Hoijer, D.L. Olmsted, R.P. Stockwell (advisory editors); Chris Brown/Chief Leeme, Alvis Brown, Bill Bolton (Bootjack language consultants); John Lawrence (Tiptop language consultant); Castro Johnson (Mariposa language consultant); Rose Watt, Emma Lord (Usona consultants); Benjamin "Banjo" Graham, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Graham, Charlie Bohan (Ahwahnee language consultants); Dan Anderson (HTML Conversion); Surve of Californian Indian Languages (support).

Publishing Information

This dictionary was published in 1964 by the University of California Press.

How People are Cited

A list of language consultants along with where they are from is included in the Introduction. Speaker initials are used to cite the source of information in some entries. Advisory editors are cited on the Publication page.

How Information is Cited

The previous works referenced to compile this dictionary are cited in the Bibliography. Other information about the work with the speakers and background information on the dictionary is included in the Introduction.

Where is Information Coming from

Entries and texts in this dictionary come from work with speakers between 1955 and the publication of this dictionary (1964). Freeland's 1951 grammar, Language of the Sierra Miwok, was referenced when compiling this resource.

Tools and Framework used

This dictionary is available as a print book and as a website.


The physical book is accessible through libraries, and the web version is open access online.

Included Languages and Directionality

Southern Sierra Miwok to English; English to Southern Sierra Miwok.

Dialects Included

This is primarily a dictionary of the Yosemite dialect, with contributions from speakers of the Tiptop, Mariposa, Usona, and Ahwahnee dialects.

Type of Dictionary

This is a bilingual, bidirectional dictionary.

How are Entries Organised

Entries in the Southern Sierra Miwok-English section are organised alphabetically by Miwok. Each entry lists its source (previous work or speaker) and the English gloss. Entries in the English-Southern Sierra Miwok are organised alphabetically by English, and contain the Miwok equivalent and its source.

Included in this dictionary under Texts are stories and conversations presented line by line in Miwok, followed by the English translation. On the website, the Miwok is embedded as a scan of the print dictionary, while the English is shown below in plain text.

Other Features

Feature Included More Information
Guide to use and understand
Images Included under Plates
Example phrases Not included in entries, sentences can be found in theTexts section
Speakers marked Speakers are marked by their initials in some entries
Dialects marked No, but some entries include speaker initials, and the dialects they speak can be found in the Introduction

External Links

Reference on WorldCat:

Link to Web Edition: