Documentation:RelLex/Southern Ute, on Languages of Hunter-Gatherers and Their Neighbors

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Southern Ute, on Languages of Hunter-Gatherers and Their Neighbors

Relational Lexicography Knowledgebase
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Language Name

Colorado River Numic.

Alternate Language Names

Ute, Southern Paiute, Ute-Southern Paiute, Ute-Chemehuevi.


Nevada, California, Utah, Arizona, and Colorado, United States.


Dr. Claire Bowern, Dr. Patience Epps, Dr. Jane Hill, and Dr. Keith Hunley (principal investigators).

Others Involved

University of Texas at Austin, National Scientific Foundation, Yale University, Liberal Arts Development Studio (data contributors); Barry Alpher, David Nash, Catherine Sheard, Stef Spronck, Karina Baeza, Tanja Bauerlein, John Blaha, Katherine Bolaños, Ana Paula Brandão, Zachary Burnett, Emily Buell, Anissa Cappucino, Rebekah Evans, Jaqueline Fox, Paulina Franco, Lauren Franklin, Bettie Gonzalez, Cynthia Hansen, Dhananjay Jagannathan, Sarah Kuntz, Aimee Lawrence, Addison Martinez, Joyce McCormick, Amanda Meeks, Kelsey Neely, Amanda Novak, Jonathan Quintanilla, Melody Ann Ross-Nathaniel, Leslie Smith, Wikaliler Daniel Smith, Jenna Tipton, Daniel Valle, Becky Walker (data collection and entry).

Publishing Information

This is a digital dictionary that does not display any information on launch dates or update dates. It is hosted on the University of Texas Languages of Hunter-Gatherers and their neighbours website.

How People are Cited

Previous work is cited by author name and date under Source. No speakers are cited in this dictionary.

How Information is Cited

Previous works and documentation are cited under Source.

Where is Information Coming from

Entries in this dictionary and the database as a whole come from works and documentation collected and supported by a grant to Yale University by the National Science Foundation.

Tools and Framework used

This is a text-based website with a simple search function.


This dictionary is open access online.

Included Languages and Directionality

English, Spanish, and Portuguese to Colorado River Numic.

Dialects Included

No dialect is specified for this dictionary.

Type of Dictionary

This is a multilingual, topical, online wordlist/database.

How are Entries Organised

This dictionary is set up as a database organised into multiple sections. Entries in this dictionary are organised alphabetically by English within each of the topical sections. These topics are: Basic Vocabulary, Flora Fauna Vocabulary, Cultural Vocabulary, Grammatical Data, and Ethnographic Information. Each topical section is presented as table.

All of the topical sections consists of a series of columns, many of which are empty for most entries. For the Basic Vocabulary, Flora Fauna Vocabulary, and Cultural Vocabulary sections the columns are: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Semantic Field, Part of Speech, Orthographic Form, Phonemicized Form, Gloss as in Source, Etymology Code, Proto-Form, Proto-Language, Loan Source, Wanderwort Status, Etyma Set, Etymology Notes, General Notes, and Source.

The Grammatical Data section contains the columns: Category, Grammatical Feature, Grammatical Feature - Notes, Feature Status, Grammatical Notes, Source, Etymology Notes, General Notes, and Phylogenetic Code. Most of these columns, excepting the first three, are empty for most entries.

Ethnographic Information is the shortest table with only one content row, and no vocabulary. It contains the columns: Current Population (speakers), Former Population Estimate, Subsistence Preference, Density, Sedentism, Ecotome, Marriage Pattern, Notes, and Source.

Other Features

Feature Included More Information
Guide to use and understand
Example phrases
Speakers marked
Dialects marked

Other Notes

The database this dictionary is hosted on includes many other related languages. These resources are intended for trained linguists and anthropologists.

External Links

View on the Languages of hunter-gatherers and their neighbors website: