Documentation:RelLex/Lillooet Bird Names

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Lillooet Bird Names

Relational Lexicography Knowledgebase
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Language Name


Alternate Language Names

St̓át̓imcets, Sƛ’aƛ’imxǝc, Ucwalmícwts.


British Columbia, Canada.


Henry Davis; Jan van Eijk.

Others Involved

Dwight Gardiner Eugene Hunn (Peer editors); University of British Columbia, First Nations University of Canada (Support); Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Funding).

Publishing Information

Published 2014, Anthropological Linguistics, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 78–99.

How People are Cited

The languages consultants are thanked in general in the Acknowledgements at the end of the article. Consultants are cited by name in some of the entries.

How Information is Cited

Information is cited in the References list at the end of the article. Within individual entries specific consultants and the linguist (Davis or van Eijk) are cited, especially when there is variation within one word.

Where is Information Coming from

Information in this resource comes from speakers and previously published resources, as listed in the Resources.

Tools and Framework used

This resource is a digital journal publication. It is available as a digital book.


This resource is available through libraries.

Included Languages and Directionality

Lillooet to English.

Dialects Included

This wordlist includes information from both the Upper/Northern (St̓át̓imcets or Fountain) and Lower/Southern (Lil̓wat7úlmec or Mount Currie) dialects.

Type of Dictionary

This is a bilingual, mono-directional, topical list of bird names published within an academic journal article.

How are Entries Organised

Entries are organized categorically. The categories include Generic Terms, Waterbirds, Birds of Prey (Other than Owls), Owls, Upland Game Birds, Domesticated Fowl, Woodpeckers, Crows and Their Allies, Remaining Types Other than Passerines, and Passerines.

Each entry contains the Lillooet name, the English translation, the Latin term, ecological information about the bird, and names for the bird in other traditional languages of the region.

The article first introduces readers to the Lillooet language, then offers a description of bird habitats in the area. The dictionary of bird names begins after this, on page 56. After the wordlist, the article summarizes problems in the research, followed by the conclusion.

Other Features

Feature Included More Information
Guide to use and understand Brief description of entries on pg. 56
Example phrases
Speakers marked By name within entries
Dialects marked By initials within entries when the dialect is clearly identifiable ('M' for the Southern dialect, 'F' for the Northern dialect)

External Links

Reference on WorldCat:

Institutional access on JSTOR: