Documentation:RelLex/Dene Yatié K’çç Ahsíi Yats’uuzi Gha Edîhtå’éh Kátå’odehche. South Slavey Topical Dictionary Kátł'odehche Dialect

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Dene Yatié K’çç Ahsíi Yats’uuzi Gha Edîhtå’éh Kátå’odehche. South Slavey Topical Dictionary Kátł'odehche Dialect

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Language Name


Alternate Language Names

Sahtúot’ı̨nę Yatı̨́, Slavi, Slave, Dené, Mackenzian.


Northwest Territories, Canada


South Slave Divisional Education Council (Publisher).

Others Involved

Brent Kaulback (Project Coordinator); Dorothy Buckley (Project Facilitator, Elder, and Translator); Sarah Lamalice, Jim Lamalice, Pat Bugghins, Clara Lafferty, Daniel Sonfrere, Helen Wandering Spirit (Elder Committee); Victor Monus (Linguist); Curtis Brown (SSDEC Superintendent); Dencho Divisional Board of Education, Yamózha Kue Society, Kátl'odehche First Nation Reserve (Permissions); MACA, Hub Publications, Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre (Photographs).

Publishing Information

Published 2009, South Slave Divisional Education Council (SSDEC).

How People are Cited

People are cited on the SSDEC website under the Acknowledgements, Elder Committee, and Home sections of the website.

How Information is Cited

Information is cited on the SSDEC website under the Acknowledgements, Elder Committee, and Home sections of the website.

Where is Information Coming from

Information in this dictionary comes from speakers and the previously published resource South Slavey Topical Dictionary (1993) published by the Decho Divisional Board of Education.

Tools and Framework used

This resource is available as an interactive PDF, and includes audio.


This dictionary is open access through the SSDEC website.

Included Languages and Directionality

English to Slavey.

Dialects Included

This dictionary includes information from the South Slavey dialect.

Type of Dictionary

This is a bilingual, mono-directional dictionary.

How are Entries Organised

Entries are organized topically as detailed on the Contents page of the PDF. Entries are organized alphabetically by English within the topic.

Other Features

Feature Included More Information
Guide to use and understand On the Instructions page of the SSDEC website
Audio By clicking on the Slavey translations in the PDF
Example phrases
Speakers marked
Dialects marked There is only one dialect included

External Links

The Dene Yatié K’çç Ahsíi Yats’uuzi Gha Edîhtå’éh Kátå’odehche home page on South Slave Divisional Education Council (SSDEC) website:

Link to the open access PDF through SSDEC: