Documentation:RelLex/Crow Dictionary Online
Crow Dictionary Online
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Language Name
Alternate Language Names
Apsáalooke aliláau.
Montana, United States.
The Language Conservancy, Crow Language Consortium (CLC).
Others Involved
Includes previous work by: Father Randolph Graczyk, Ray Gordon, Mary Helen Medicine Horse, Hu Matthews, and others involved in the Crow bilingual program (which includes assistance from speakers: Cartie Goes Ahead, Clara Big Lake, Dorothy Spotted Bear, George Reed, Jr., Heywood Big Day, Joyce DeCrane, Marlan Goes Ahead, Mary Frances Flat Lip, Philip Beaumont, and Vincent Goes Ahead.)
Speakers: Timothy McCleary, Curtis Yarlott, Janine Pease, Raphaelle Real Bird, and Tim Bernardis; Anna DeCrane, Beaulah Goes Ahead, Brian Pretty Eagle, Burdick Two Leggins, Carol Good Luck, Cindy Bearcloud, Dora Hugs, Doris Plainfeather, Fannie Ward, Frances Takes Enemy, Grant Bull Tail, Hubert Two Leggins, Jeff Rides the Bear, Joseph Buffalo Bull Tail, Karmelita Plains Bull, Levi Yellow Mule, Melville Stops, Riley Singer, Roanne Hill, Robyn Crooked Arm, Sarge Old Horn, Stephanie Amyotte, Theresa Sends Part Home, Tylis Bad Bear, Vance Crooked Arm, and Velda Duputee.
The staff of Little Big Horn College: David Yarlott and Frederica Lefthand.
Other contributors: Alfretta Jefferson, Amanda Oberg, Angela Ruby Plainfeather, Bethany Yellowtail, Brian Rickert, Cheryl Jefferson, Chrislyn Red Star, Courtney Stewart, Dale Old Horn, John Adams, Leilani Rickert, Mardell Plainfeather, Mary White Hip, Matthew Yellowtail, Melissa Spiers, Stephen Yellowtail, Trivain Rides the Bear, Twyla Birdinground, Wailes Yellowtail, and Willie Stewart Sr; Alice Hunts Arrow, Angela De Crane, Billie Plain Feather, Carol Good Luck, Cerise Plain Feather, Charles J. Yarlott Jr., Chuck Real Bird, Cyle Lloyd Old Elk, Daniel C. Old Elk Sr., Dominic Costa, Fannie Cliff, Felice Bigday, George R. Real Bird, Gilford W. Sees The Ground, Grady Hunts Arrow, Gwendolyn Plain Bull, Hubert B. Two Leggins, Jack Real Bird, Joanne Rock Above, Jody Demontiney, Josephine Wall, Levi Yellow Mule, Lizabeth Pretty on Top, Marlan Goes Ahead, Mary A. De Crane, Morton Big Medicine, Newton Old Crow, Regina Yarlott, Renita Hill, Reuben De Crane, Robert C. Flat Lip, Robyn P. Crooked Arm, Roland K. Plainfeather, Ruby Plainfeather, Sarge Old Horn, Theresa Sends Part Home, Valerie F. Not Afraid, Douglas Vance Crooked Arm, Michelle N. Ridesthewhitehippedhorse, Victoria Bad Bear, Randy Graczyk, Roanne Hill, and Timothy McCleary.
The staff at The Language Conservancy: Bob Rugh, Jillian Danaher, Coleton Hast, and David Heath (linguistic expertise); Josephine Douglas, Logan Swango, and Elliot Thornton (technical assistance), Allison Horner (graphic design); Courtney Foster, Jocelyn Wallace, and Jessica Leach (funding); Aaron Kearney, Alexandria O’Neil, Alexis Bujtas, Caoife Garvey, Heavenly Zheng, Hilda Friday, Ivy Richardson, Joshua Lee, Leslie Fink, Margaret Buchanan, Nathanial Clark, Olivia Ryan, Ria Dela Rosa, Samantha Meyers, Samuel Day, Stefan Wooding, and Zoe Barnstone-Clark (interns). Steve Echerd, Kevin Warfel, and Raquel Casilla (SIL guidance).
Support: Michael and Joseph Fitzgerald.
Financial Support: Administration for Native Americans, the Foundation for Community Vitality, Humanities Montana, the Lush Charity Pot Fund, the Margaret V. Ping Foundation, the Montana Community Foundation, the Montana History Foundation, the Potlatch Fund,, the Solid Rock Foundation, and the State of Montana's Montana Indian Language Program.
Publishing Information
This is a digital dictionary that doesn't display any information on launch or update dates.
How People are Cited
People are cited on the Acknowledgements page.
How Information is Cited
This dictionary does not explicitly cite the source of any of its information.
Where is Information Coming from
Information in this dictionary comes from previous work (mainly from Father Randolph Graczyk), and speakers. Words for this dictionary were collected through a rapid word collection workshop.
Tools and Framework used
This is an online multimedia dictionary which includes audio. It was built by the Language Conservancy.
This dictionary is open access.
Included Languages and Directionality
Crow to English, English to Crow. The dictionary is searchable in both directions.
Dialects Included
No dialect is specified for this dictionary.
Type of Dictionary
This is bilingual, bidirectional, online dictionary.
How are Entries Organised
Entries are organized alphabetically by either Crow or English depending on the search direction. Each entry includes the headword, translation, audio, and the part of speech.
Other Features
Feature | Included | More Information |
Guide to use and understand | ✅ | Yes, under the Help, Pronunciation, and Morpheme Guide tabs. |
Audio | ✅ | |
Images | ❌ | |
Example phrases | ❌ | |
Speakers marked | ❌ | |
Dialects marked | ❌ |
Other Notes
This dictionary is available as an app as the Crow Mobile Dictionary App.
External Links
Find the Crow Dictionary Online here: