Documentation:RelLex/Cree Language of the Plains

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Cree Language of the Plains

Relational Lexicography Knowledgebase
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Language Name


Alternate Language Names

Cree, Naskapi, Montagnais, ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐍᐏᐣ, Nēhiyawēwin.


Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Northwest Territories, Canada.


Jean L. Okimāsis.

Others Involved

Allen Sapp (Artist); Arok Wolvengrey, Solomon Ratt (editorial assistance); Dr. Terry Klokeid (linguist); Dr. Ahab Spence, Anna Crowe, Margaret Cote, Donna Paskemin, Doreen Oakes, Darren Okemaysim (unspecified contributions); Dr. W. Rubrecht, Elizabeth Kim (recording assistance); Brian Mlazgar, Donna Grant, Duncan Campbell, Elsa Johnston, Bruce Walsh (support).

Publishing Information

This dictionary was originally published in 1999. It was re-published in 2004 (second edition) and published online in 2018 and re-published in print in 2021 by the University of Regina Press.

How People are Cited

Editors and contributors are cited in the Acknowledgements.

How Information is Cited

Previous works used in the compilation of this dictionary are cited in References.

Where is Information Coming from

Entries in this dictionary come from previous works by Wolvengray and Rev. F.G. Stevens, including two dictionaries: English-Cree Primer and Vocabulary (1995) by Stevens, and nēhiyawēwin: itwēwina/Cree: Words (2001) by Wolvengray. Additional information and entries come from grammars and documentation by linguists and Cree scholars, and from the author's experience teaching the language as a speaker. Grammatical information comes from previous grammars by linguists.

Tools and Framework used

This dictionary is available as a pdf, through the Open Textbook Publishing Program at the University of Regina Press. It is also available as a print book. Audio files used in the creation of this dictionary are available open access online.


This dictionary is available open access online as a digital file, and through libraries as a physical and digital book. Audio files are available open access online, separate from the dictionary.

Included Languages and Directionality

Cree to English; English to Cree.

Dialects Included

This is a dictionary of Southern Plains Cree.

Type of Dictionary

This is a bilingual, bidirectional grammatical dictionary and pedagogical tool.

How are Entries Organised

The majority of this dictionary is written as a teaching tool, so that each section covers an aspect of grammar organised in increasing complexity. These sections include: Dialects, Spelling and Sound System, Minimal Pairs and Minimal Sets, Nouns: An Overview, Diminutives, Word Order and Preverbs, Pronouns, and more. There are thirty-two grammar sections in total. Word entries within these sections are organised in no particular order, and are used to illustrate the grammatical processes described in each section. Vocabulary lists are included in the Appendixes: regular vocabulary lists in English-Cree and Cree-English, and verb vocabulary lists in English-Cree and Cree-English. Each of these word lists is organised alphabetically by headword, and each entry contains the definition of the word and its part of speech. No other information is included in these entries. A fifth appendix, Verb Charts, serves as a quick reference to all verb paradigms discussed in the grammar sections.

Other Features

Feature Included More Information
Guide to use and understand Each chapter begins with a short introduction to all terms used
Audio Supplemental material available as digital files
Example phrases Included in some entries
Speakers marked
Dialects marked

Other Notes

Notes in the dictionary state that audio files were recorded to accompany the dictionary entries. The link provided in the dictionary pdf is broken, but the audio files are intact on the University of Regina Open Education Program Publications Catalogue. They are open access digital SoundCloud files.

External Links

Reference on WorldCat:

Read the full book open access online (2018 edition) as a PDF:

For the accompanying audio files on SoundCloud, click here:

For the list of publications on the Open Education Program website, click here: