Documentation:RelLex/Classified Word List for the Okanagan Language

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Classified Word List for the Okanagan Language

Relational Lexicography Knowledgebase
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Language Name


Alternate Language Names

Okanagan, n̓səl̓xcin̓, Sinixt, Okanagan-Colville.


British Columbia, Canada; Washington, United States.


Larry Pierre, Martin Louie (Speakers and Compilers).

Others Involved

We are unable to access information about others who may have been involved in creating this dictionary.

Publishing Information

This is a manuscript from 1973. It was compiled in Penticton, British Columbia.

How People are Cited

We are unable to access this resource to determine how people, such as speakers and contributors, are cited.

How Information is Cited

We are unable to access this resource to determine how or where source materials are cited.

Where is Information Coming from

We are unable to access this dictionary to determine where the information is coming from or what sources were used.

Tools and Framework used

We are unable to access this dictionary to determine what format, tools, or framework have been used. It likely follows the same format of the other classified wordlist of Salish and other Northwest Coast languages around the time it was compiled.


It is referenced in the Wikipedia article for the Okanagan language and in work from James Somday. We are unable to find reference to this resource elsewhere. It is likely only available through the language community.

Included Languages and Directionality

We are unable to access this resource to determine the included languages and directionality. It is likely English to Nsyilxcən.

Dialects Included

We are unable to access this resource to determine which dialects are included.

Type of Dictionary

We are unable to access this resource to determine what type of dictionary it is.

In his thesis, James Somday (1980) references work by Pierre and Louie as a word list.

How are Entries Organised

We are unable to access this resource to determine how dictionary entries are organised. It is likely organized in the same way as the other Salish classified wordlists from this time, where the English headwords are numbered, followed by the Nsyilxcən translations.

Other Features

Feature Included More Information
Guide to use and understand Unknown
Audio Unknown
Images Unknown
Example phrases Unknown
Speakers marked Unknown
Dialects marked Unknown

External Links

This resource is mentioned in the Wikipedia article for the Okanagan language:

James Somday (1980) references word lists by Louie and Pierre in his thesis (Somday reference on WorldCat

Anthony Mattina (1987) also references Louie and Pierre and contributors to his dictionary (Mattina reference on WorldCat: