Documentation:RelLex/Caribou Anatomy in Denaakk’e

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Caribou Anatomy in Denaakk’e

Relational Lexicography Knowledgebase
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Language Name


Alternate Language Names

Ten'a, Co-Youkon, Co-yukon, Denaakk'e.


Alaska, United States.


Susan Paskvan, Native Language Coordinator in the Yukon-Koyukuk School District in Alaska.

Others Involved

University of Calgary; The Rangifer Anatomy Project (RAP); Government of Canada International Polar Year, Nasivvik Centre for Inuit Health, NSERC PromoScience (Funding).

Publishing Information

This is a digital dictionary that doesn't display any information on launch or update dates. It is published on the University of Calgary website as part of the Rangifer Anatomy Project (RAP).

How People are Cited

Members of the Rangifer Anatomy Project (RAP) are listed with names, titles, and pictures on the homepage. Susan Paskvan, who contributed to the Language section, is cited at the top of the main Language, and on each of the included image pages.

How Information is Cited

Information is cited at the very top of the Language page.

Where is Information Coming from

Information in this themed wordlist comes from Susan Paskvan, Native Language Coordinator in the Yukon-Koyukuk School District in Alaska

Tools and Framework used

This is a text based website. Some multimedia elements are incorporated on the caribou and moose pictures, where users can hover over the image to access to specific vocabulary.


This website is open access.

Included Languages and Directionality

Koyukon (Denaakk'e) to English.

Dialects Included

No dialect is specified for this dictionary.

Type of Dictionary

This is a bilingual, mono-directional, thematic wordlist of hunting, caribou, and moose terminology.

How are Entries Organised

Entries are organized into sections: Vocabulary, Sentences about Hunting, and Sentences about Moose Behaviour. Each section is organized in a chart, with the Denaakk'e entry on the left, and the English translation on the right.

This website includes links to pictures which can be hovered over to access more vocabulary. There are three images, two of which feature caribou anatomy, and one which labels types of moose meat.

The second caribou picture includes additional information in English about parts of the caribou anatomy.

Other Features

Feature Included More Information
Guide to use and understand Includes hover-over instructions for the images
Example phrases Sentences about hunting and moose behaviour are included
Speakers marked All of the language on this website appears to come from Susan Paskvan
Dialects marked

External Links

The Language section of the website can be accessed here: