Documentation:RelLex/A Meskwaki-English and English-Meskwaki Dictionary Based on Early Twentieth-Century Writings by Native Speakers

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A Meskwaki-English and English-Meskwaki Dictionary Based on Early Twentieth-Century Writings by Native Speakers

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Language Name


Alternate Language Names

Fox, Mesquakie, Meskwaki, Mesquakie-Sauk, Mesquakie-Sauk-Kickapoo, Sauk-Fox, Sac and Fox, Meshkwahkihaki, Thâkiwâtowêweni, Kikapú.


Oklahoma, Iowa, Kansas, United States; Coahuila, Mexico.


Ives Goddard, Lucy Thomason.

Others Involved

Adeline Wanatee, Everett Kapayou (language consultants); Alfred Kiyana (Keahna), Charley H. Chuck, Sakihtanohkweha, Sam Peters, Jim Peters, Bill Leaf, Jack Bullard (speakers and writers of previous texts).

Publishing Information

This dictionary was published in 2014 by the Smithsonian Recovering Voices Program and printed by Mundart Press.

How People are Cited

Language consultants who worked with the authors, as well as some of the speakers whose writings were used in this dictionary, are cited in the Preface.

How Information is Cited

Speakers whose writings are used in this dictionary, and linguists who worked with them, are cited in the Preface. Individual works and documents are cited in the Bibliography.

Where is Information Coming from

Entries in this dictionary come from texts written by dictation from speakers and written by speakers directly, from the late 19th century through the early 20th century A few of these speakers are listed in the dictionary. Grammatical information in this dictionary is derived from the previous work Leonard Bloomfield's Fox Lexicon: Critical Edition by Goddard (1994) and the works of William Jones.

Tools and Framework used

This dictionary is available as a print book.


This dictionary is available through libraries.

Included Languages and Directionality

Meskwaki to English; English to Meskwaki.

Dialects Included

This is a dictionary of Meskwaki as spoken in Tama County.

Type of Dictionary

This is a bilingual, bidirectional dictionary.

How are Entries Organised

The Meskwaki-English section is organised alphabetically by Meskwaki headword. Entries are given in two columns with the Meskwaki word on the left and the English gloss, as well as any inflected forms, listed on the right. The English-Meskwaki section is organised alphabetically by English headword. Entries are given in three columns with the English headword on the far left, the Meskwaki word or words in the middle, and the English glosses and part of speech on the far right. No other information is given in entries.

At the end of the dictionary are six topical word lists given as Appendixes: Animals, Birds, Bodyparts, Calendar, Numbers and Counting, and Relatives. Both Animals and Birds are listed in the conventional order of their taxonomic families. Entries are organised in three columns with the class of animals in English on the far left (eg: primates, wolves, etc), the Meskwaki word in the middle, and the English gloss on the far right. Bodyparts is organised alphabetically by English headword. Entries are given in three columns with the English headword on the far left, the Meskwaki word or words in the middle, and the English gloss on the right. Calendar is organised by English headword in order of the English calendar, listed with the Meskwaki borrowing. Numbers and Counting is organised numerically by Western numerals, followed by the Meskwaki word or words, and the English gloss. Relatives is a detailed description of Meskwaki kinship terms, organised by English kinship term and the corresponding Meskwaki terms, with the meaning and usage explained in English.

Other Features

Feature Included More Information
Guide to use and understand Included in the Introduction
Example phrases Some entries translate to full sentences in English
Speakers marked
Dialects marked

External Links

Reference on WorldCat: