Documentation:RelLex/A Dictionary of the Gwichya Gwich'in and Teetł'it Gwich'in Dialects
A Dictionary of the Gwichya Gwich'in and Teetł'it Gwich'in Dialects
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Language Name
Alternate Language Names
Gwitch'in, Kutchin, Kootchin, Loucheux, Loucheaux, Takudh, Tukudh.
Northwest Territories, Yukon, Canada; Alaska, United States.
Andre Bourcier, Alestine Andre (Authors).
Others Involved
Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, Gwich'in Language Centre (Prepared the dictionary); GNWT Department of Education, Culture and Employment of Yellownife, Aklavik District Education, Fort McPherson District Education Council, Gwich'in Renewable Resource Board of Inuvik, Gwichya Gwich'in Council, Inuvik District Education Authority (Support).
Caroline Andre, Hyacinthe Andre, Noel Andre, Tony Andre, Pierre Benoit, Eileen Cardinal, Joan Nazon, Bob Norman, John Norbert (Gwichya Gwich'in Elders); Dorothy Alexie, Elizabeth Colin, Amos Francis, Bertha Francis, Doris Its, Eunice Mitchell, Bella Ross, Rachel Stewart (Teetł'it Gwich'in Elders); Lisa Andre (Aided with the phonetic spelling of Gwichya Gwich'in words); Alestine Andre (Executive Director of Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute).
Publishing Information
Published March 1999 by the Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute. This is the third edition of this dictionary. The other editions do not have the same title.
The fourth edition, which was published in 2003, can be found under the title Gwichyah ts'at Teetl'it Gwich'in Ginjik Gwi'dinehtl'ee': Gwich'in Language Dictionary.
How People are Cited
People are cited in the Introduction, except those who prepared the dictionary, as they are cited on the cover.
How Information is Cited
The information in this dictionary is cited in the Introduction.
Where is Information Coming from
The information in this dictionary comes from Gwichya Gwich'in and Teetł'it Gwich'in Elders, GSCI staff, Andre Bourcier, and Gwich'in Language Centre staff.
This version of the dictionary is an expansion of A Dictionary of the Gwichya Gwich 'in and Teetl'it Gwich'in Dialects - Second Edition, published in March 1998.
Tools and Framework used
This dictionary is available as a physical and digital book.
The digital copy (PDF scan) is open access through the GTC Department of Cultural Heritage's website. The physical copy can only be accessed through the Library and Archives Canada/ Bibliotèque et Archives Canada located in Ottawa.
Included Languages and Directionality
Gwich'in to English, English to Gwich'in.
Dialects Included
This is a dictionary of the Gwichya Gwich'in and T'eetl'it Gwích'in dialects.
Type of Dictionary
This is a bilingual, bidirectional wordlist.
How are Entries Organised
Entries in this dictionary are split into two sections: Gwich'in - English Words - Section 1 and English - Gwich'in Words - Section 2. The entries in the first seciton are organized alphabetically by Gwich'in, while those in section 2 are organized alphabetically by English. The last part of the dictionary are the appendices which include Kinship terms.
The dictionary also includes sound charts to help readers pronounce the Gwich'in words before the start of section 1. Furthermore, there are literal English translations for each Gwich'in entry.
Other Features
Feature | Included | More Information |
Guide to use and understand | ✅ | Included in the Introduction |
Audio | ❌ | |
Images | ❌ | |
Example phrases | ❌ | |
Speakers marked | ❌ | |
Dialects marked | ✅ | In both sections of the dictionary, there is a Dialect column that specifies which dialect is included |
Other Notes
The bolded entries in the dictionary are verified by Elders, as mentioned in the Introduction.
The authors note that this project is not yet completed as they would like to expand the documentation of words and terms as well as digitize the dictionary with added audio.
The dictionary is a PDF that needs to be downloaded off the GTC Department of Cultural Heritage's website in order to be accessed.
External Links
Reference A Dictionary of the Gwichya Gwich'in and Teetł'it Gwich'in Dialects on WorldCat:
Open access digital copy of A Dictionary of the Gwichya Gwich'in and Teetł'it Gwich'in Dialects through the GTC Department of Cultural Heritage's website: