Documentation:MTRL Cluster

From UBC Wiki

This page includes the information of the MTRL cluster, e.g. software, resource sharing protocols, instructions, etc.


For any technical issues, please contact the administrators: Jun at jun.ou[at] or Daan at daan.maijer[at]

Note: we are responsible for answering questions associated with how to use a software package.

Sharing Protocol

As the cluster is a shared facility, it is important to comply with the protocol so that your and other's work won't be interrupted.

  • Account:
    • Make sure your account information is secure, including your username and password.
    • Your password has more than 9 characters including numbers and letters.
      • Note: make sure you remember your password. The administrator is NOT able to reset it.
  • Job running:
    • Do not run your job (computation) on the master node. Instead, please use the computation nodes.
      • You can use the master node to temporarily pre- or post-processing your models. However, some post-processing takes long time. Please keep it within one hour.
    • If your job is interrupted, please remove the files left on the corresponding computation nodes.
  • Storage:
    • You can store files up to 500G on the server.
    • If you don't need an account anymore or you are leaving UBC, please backup your files and inform the administrator.

How to Login

Software Available on the Server

Once your account is created, please login and use the command: "module avai" to check what software is available.


Abaqus : Documentation:MTRL Cluster Abaqus

Software on the teaching node: Documentation:MTRL Teaching Software