Documentation:EHealth Strategy Office/Staff Documentation/Orientation Manual
First Steps
- Enrol for your Benefits. See below for benefits description by employee group.
- Direct Deposit form. Fill this out to get paid! When you're done, give this form to your supervisor, or directly to Calvin.
- UBC Vancouver orientation. Sign up for an in-person orientation to the UBC Community.
- Review eHealth Strategy Office policies. Check out our intranet for other policy documents [link forthcoming].
UBC Resources
Here are some self-paced orientation materials from various UBC units. Feel free to recommend things you find here for inclusion in our guide!
- UBC "Quick Start" orientation
- Long list of orientation materials on UBC Wiki
- Faculty of Medicine new staff information
UBC Staff Card
- Your UBC staff card is your official identification as staff of the University. Pick up at UBC Bookstore with your offer letter, or bring your employee number and photo ID.
Getting to Work
Public Transit
- Transit is a great way to get into the office. For information about routes and fares, see the TransLink website.
- There are a number of secured bike parking areas on UBC campus. At 855, there is a room on the 1st floor that you can use to store your bike.
- UBC offers per-use, monthly and annual parking passes for staff called a FlexPass. This is only good for people working on campus.
- The car-sharing service Zipcar offers a University discount for faculty/staff and students.
- Modo and Car2go also have some service to UBC. More here.
Getting between offices
- There is a free shuttle between UBC Hospital and 12th Avenue entrance of VGH that leaves every half hour (:05 and :35) between 7:00am and 5:00pm. Faculty of Medicine staff can take this shuttle free of charge.
Benefits and Payroll
Your benefits change depending on what Employee Group you belong to. Your employee group and salary level are listed in your offer letter. The employee groups currently active in our office are listed below, with relevant resources. Keep in mind the UBC HR website is the official source for complete benefits information.
Payroll and Tax Forms
- To check your paystubs, tax forms, and to use other benefits such as the tuition credit, visit the Management Service Portal. Log in with your CWL.
CUPE 2950
Staff currently designated CUPE include: Project Assistant, QA/Technical Support
- Benefits description
- Skills Training funds - eligible for up to $1,200 per year
- Software training - Offered free to CUPE 2950 employees, other staff members may be eligible for these courses for a fee
- CUPE 2590 home page
Non-Union Technicians and Research Assistants (TRA)
Staff currently designated TRA include: Researcher
- Benefits description
- Tuition benefit - approximately $1,500-4,000/yr in UBC course fees
- Professional Development Fund - up to $800/yr for work-related reimbursement conferences and courses, plus an annual competitive scholarship program offering approximately $1,000-2,500 per applicant
Management and Professional (M&P)
Staff currently designated M&P currently include: Coordinator roles (Events, Communications, Research, Technology), Project Manager, Programmer
- Benefits description
- Tuition benefit - approximately $1,500-4,000/yr in UBC course fees
- Professional Development Fund - up to $750/yr reimbursement for work-related conferences and courses
- AAPS sign-up - the professional association that represents M&P staff at UBC
Filing a claim
Once you have enrolled in your benefits, If you need to file a health insurance claim, most employees can use the Sunlife Members website. To sign up for this website, you'll need:
- UBC Group Number: 25205
- Member ID: your 7-digit UBC employee ID number
The UBC Benefits website has more information on filing claims, too.
Technical stuff
You will be provided with a login name and account for many services.
Campus-wide Login (CWL) is your UBC administrative account that grants you access to most university-based services. If you were previously a UBC student or staff, you may use the same CWL. If you are new to UBC, sign up here:
- CWL sign-up - required for staff new to UBC
FOM account
This is the username that you use to sign into your computer and other services provided by the Faculty of Medicine. It grants you access to:
- Any Windows-based (PC) computer in our offices
- Shared network drives
- T:\ - shared drive for all project work
- H:\ - personal network storage space tied to your login
- Pidgin instant messenger
- Any Sharepoint site that you are member of.
Exchange account
This is a login that controls access to your UBC email and calendar account. Use it to login to:
- UBC Webmail - Web-based access to email
- Setting up email and calendars (Outlook)
- Exchange on iPhone - if applicable
Technical support
Our computers are supported by the Faculty of Medicine's IT department, MedIT. For help with issues including things related to your computer, your FOM and Exchange accounts, videoconferencing or Sharepoint, contact the MedIT service desk.
- 1-877-266-0666 or 604-822-7649
- medit.servicedesk [at]
Meeting Support
- Kelli will sign you up for a PGI teleconference account with MedIT upon hiring. Upon starting, you should receive an email with your toll-free number and passcode. This is a private teleconferencing line that you may use to host a teleconference at any time. Applicable charges will need to be allocated to the appropriate project/speedchart. Ask your supervisor before the meeting if you're not sure which project to bill to.
Virtual Meetings. There are two ways to host a virtual meeting.
- Adobe Connect . Kelli signs everyone up for an Adobe Connect account upon hiring. Information on how to login will be sent in an email.
- Pros: no physical meeting space necessary. Anyone can attend the meeting, attendees do not have to be affiliated with UBC.
- Cons: participants need either a phone or a headset (speakers/microphone) to attend. The meeting host must choose one audio type for the meeting -- every participant must connect to the meeting audio in the same way (ether phone or computer).
- Videoconference. There are a number of dedicated videoconferencing rooms available for reserving by FOM staff, both on campus and at the Diamond Centre. Meetings can be recorded, but you must submit a recording request form after receiving your booking confirmation. More information on videoconferencing can be found on the FOM Facilities website.
- Pros: Large groups in multiple locations can attend with a mixture of in-person and online. Physical meeting rooms and hardware are offered by the Faculty.
- Cons: Must take place in pre-determined locations that must be booked well in advance. Non-FOM attendees require special accommodation.
eHealth Event Planning
Research Support
Staff in the research unit should be familiar with some specialized tools that may be used in supporting our research projects.
Tri-council course on TCPS 2
- Course on Research Ethics. This is an introduction and tutorial designed to support the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS 2).
- Research applications to the UBC Behavioural Research Ethics Board (BREB) are administered through the Office of Research Services (ORS). ORS uses an online system called RISe through which all ethics applications must be processed. If you will be working on an ethics application for any project, you should register for a RISe account.
Training for UBC researchers
- UBC ORS has a helpful seminar on the behavioural ethics application process.
- ResearchNet is the online system used to apply for Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) grants. As a non-Faculty member you do not need to apply for an individual account on ResearchNet, but you may be asked to use the system on behalf of one of the Office's Faculty directors.
Common CV
- Common CV is an online system that is used to format Curricula Vitae for grant applicants. As with ResearchNet, you may not need your own account, but you may be asked to assist in updating Faculty members' CVs for when working on grant applications.
Performance planning and employee review
Every staff member should undergo a review process, most commonly every 6 months. At this time, we are recommending the use of the planning worksheets provided by UBC HR. You should discuss these forms with your supervisor before your review meeting to decide how best they may be used, and to ensure a constructive and mutually beneficial review. Documents taken from:
For probationary employees (typically during your first year of UBC employment)
For non-probationary employees (typically after your first year of UBC employment)
Useful software
Due to the innovative nature of much of our work, you may find yourself needing to install certain free software on your computer. Call the MedIT Service Desk for assistance installing applications.
The following programs may prove useful, depending on the tasks you find yourself doing regularly.
- Firefox - for fast, secure web browsing
- VLC media player - for viewing video and other multimedia content
- Mendeley - for saving and sharing citations, making bibliographies, and generally being an awesome researcher
- Cute PDF - Works like a printer to save pretty much anything as PDF
- MS Project - project management/ scheduling tool. No download, can be requested directly from MedIT
- MOVI - access FOM videoconference meetings from your desktop. If needed, contact MedIT for account setup
- Sharepoint - online file sharing and storage. [information forthcoming]
- SPSS / NVIVO / Adobe CS information on licenses and access [information forthcoming]
General information of interest
- UBC Place of Mind - a daily aggregation of content from UBC
- UBC Wiki - a shared space for UBC students, staff, and faculty
- UBC Blogs -
- UBC Events - The UBCevents online events calendar
- UBC Library
Free Professional Developement Opportunities
- Coaching@UBC - free "coaching service" available to all staff
Other ideas (yet to be developed here)
- Work plan templates?
- Keys – how to get them, what keys you need, and list of key numbers for each door (SOPHIE)
- Knowledge Studio – Equipment Description, How to access the (to be created) user guide and info on how to access the room and equipment
- Freshbooks (JEN)