Documentation:Digital Tattoo Student Orientation/Creating Video/Publishing
Exporting into Movie file Format
With the video all polished and ready to go, it is now time to convert the video clips into a single movie file that can be uploaded to say, Digital Tattoo's YouTube channel. During this step, I had to be mindful of the final settings that had to be tweaked before I started rendering the video:
- Choose your file type - I just chose .mp4 for all the videos, which is very standard for most videos out on YouTube.
- Choose your video's resolution - I always pick the highest resolution when rendering the videos. It may take a long time and the file size is typically bigger, but quality always comes first.
- Choose your destination folder - It was helpful for me to know where my finished video file was going to end up. I either manually set the destination folder, or memorized where the default destination folder was. This step is just to avoid the headache of trying to find your video.
Gathering Citations/How to Cite
For a lot of the media you will be using in the videos, you will need to gather the appropriate citations for the images you want to use. Refer to UBC's copyright page to see what kind information you need to cite your images and how to cite it. The UBC copyright page also contains a list of image databases and how to cite images from each one. Another way that I used to search for images with copyright licenses was through ccsearch.
Uploading onto YouTube and Incorporating onto the Digital Tattoo Site
Once my video file is done, I would usually upload it onto Digital Tattoo YouTube channel. Account and password details can be found on Active Collab. As the video is uploading, I took the time to fill out the descriptions and other information regarding the video (Title, text overlay, etc...) Citations will go into the description box. Once the video has finished uploading and I double checked all the information, I made the video public. Anyone on YouTube can now watch the video.
There have been times however, where I would miss certain details in the video that became more clear once it became rendered. In the event of that happening, I found it worth the effort to go back, fix the unrendered video clips, and repeat the export process again. In my opinion, for something that you put a lot of effort in, it's always better to make it perfect.
Where should the video go on the Digital Tattoo site?
When planning and creating the video, we often already have a place in mind on the Digital Tattoo site for the video to appear in (such as on the blog, the home page, etc...). However, when looking around the site, we found other sections where the video could also be placed.
When planning and working on your video, keep the site in mind: the more personalized content we have on our site (instead of videos from elsewhere), the better!