Documentation:Connect/Known Issues, Gotchas and Workarounds/Node selection is forgotten when you return to the "Courses" screen after editing a course

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Node selection is forgotten when you return to the "Courses" screen after editing a course




Node selection is forgotten when you return to the "Courses" screen after editing a course
  • perform a search for courses in the ISS SysAdmin "Courses" screen, with a specific node selected under "In [Select a Node]"
  • edit one of the courses in the search results list
  • after you click [Submit] or [Cancel] from the "Course Settings: <name_of_course>" page, you will be returned to your search results, but the node restriction on the search will have been lost. The "In [Select a Node]" option will have been replaced by "In [All Nodes]" and your search will have been performed on all the courses in all the nodes you have access to.

None. You will need to reselect the [Select a Node] option and go through the [Find Node] process again to narrow your results.

None known.