Documentation:CTLT Resources/TLPD/Working Guidelines for Resource Development on UBC Wiki/Lesson Plan
- There is enough detail that an instructor/facilitator may be able to deliver this lesson/workshop effectively.
- The lesson plan models elements of an effective lesson (e.g., using the BOPPPS model of the ISW)
Resource Development Instructions:
When creating a new resource at the lesson plan level, please use the Documentation namespace.
How to add your resource to the Teaching and Learning Resource Portal?
- Add one of the following Teaching Pathways category: Design for Understanding, Teach for Learning, Consider Your Learners, or Develop Your Teaching
- Add [[Category: Guides]] somewhere in your article
(what is this lesson about? why was it developed?)
(date, time, location, preparation, room set up)
(handouts, slidedecks, examples, templates, etc)
Introductions/Welcome & Housekeeping
(territorial acknowledgement)
Learning Objectives/Goals
(hands on activity, groupings, debrief, time allotment)
(collect feedback)
Follow-Up Resources
(contact info of the facilitator/instructor)
Post-Session Reflection
(What worked/didn't work? What would I do differently next time?)