Documentation:CTLT Open Learning Design Group/Meeting Notes/Jan 2019
Wiki+Canvas LTI integration
- Talk to Novak then meeting with Moe about the LTI integration Canvas. Include Pan, and Derek's replacement to the meeting.
- Will will set up the meeting next week
Wiki Orientation
- GEOG 352:Orientation at the class.
- Map Tool
- Open in Canvas : not really open.
- Basic CWL = Can login with Canvas but not wiki and wordpress?
- Problem with 2 factor authentication
- Explore Map tool on the wiki/documentation
- ProD on course related templates.
- Using the "comment/feedback on link" feature on Canvas. So students can comment privately on Canvas.
- Explore/Re-visit Canvas Commons.
- LT Hub training canvas catalog (Tim) 9:30-10:30
- Action item/ upload resources from retreat