
From UBC Wiki


How do I restrict files to students?

Canvas Guide:


Links should be avoided as they can easily break. For example, if you upload a new syllabus, it needs to be relinked and the file needs to be published.

How can I create file previews?

Canvas Guide:

What files can be previewed?

Canvas Guide:

How do I make links?

Files can be linked to Canvas pages:


What is a module?

Modules allow instructors to organize content to help control the flow of the course:

How do I add a module?

Create a new module:

What can I add to a module?

You can add the following items to a module:

  • Assignment
  • Quiz
  • File (document and media file types)
  • Page
  • Discussion

Students can't see my module!

  1. Ensure your module is published:
  2. Enable "Modules" in course navigation:

How do my modules connect to my homepage?

To link your homepage "Home" to the modules created in "Modules":

How do I add prerequisites for a module?

Canvas Guide:

How do I add requirements for a module?

Canvas Guide:


How do I set a homepage?

Click the "Pages" tab in the left-hand menu of your Canvas course.

Click the "View all pages" button.

Click the ellipsis (three vertical dots) on the right side of the desired page.

Click the "Use as front page" option from the drop down menu.

Canvas Guide:

How do I hide announcements from the homepage?

Click the "Settings" tab in the left-hand menu of your Canvas course.

Click the "Navigation" tab in the top menu.

Click the three vertical dots on the right side of the "Announcements" option in the course navigation.

Click the "x Disable" option

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the "Save" button

HTML Formatting

Replace the HTML Text editor with a more feature rich one.

Canvas's built in editor removes formatting and is difficult to work with especially when coding in HTML. This script adds an additional editor that maintains formatting and highlights syntax.

Please refer to our guide here: Documentation:CIS/Canvas/Scripts#Canvas Syntax Highlighter

How can I format tables/tabs/badges/columns/etc?

Canvas has a style guide:

How do I add CSS?

Canvas does not have this functionality.