Documentation:Active Learning Bibliography
- Barkley, E. F. (2010). Student engagement techniques: A handbook for college faculty. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
- Bellanca, J. A. (1997). Active learning handbook: For the multiple intelligences classroom. Arlington Heights, IL: IRI/Skylight Training and Pub.
- Bonwell, C. C. (1992-1993). Risky business: Making active learning a reality. Teaching Excellence: Toward the Best in the Academy, 4(3).
- Davis, B. (1993). Supplements and alternatives to lecturing: Encouraging student participation. In Tools for teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
- Harmin, M., & Toth, M. (2006). Inspiring active learning: A complete handbook for today's teachers (Expanded 2nd edition ed.). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
- Hiler, W., Paul, R., & Foundation for Critical Thinking. (2006). The miniature guide to practical ways for promoting active and cooperative learning. Dillon Beach, CA: Foundation for Critical Thinking.
- Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (Great Britain), & SAGE Publications. (2000). Active learning in higher education.
- Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T., & Smith, K. A. (1998). Active learning: Cooperation in the college classroom. Edina, MN: Interaction Book Company.
- Michael, J. A., & Modell, H. I. (2003). Active learning in secondary and college science classrooms: A working model for helping the learner to learn. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Neal, E. (1995-1996). Active learning beyond the classroom. Teaching Excellence: Toward the Best in the Academy, 7(1).
- Silberman, M. L. (1996). Active learning: 101 strategies to teach any subject. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
- Tileston, D. W. (2007). Teaching strategies for active learning: Five essentials for your teaching plan. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Empirical Studies
- Buckley, G. L., Bain, N. R., Luginbuhl, A. M., & Dyer, M. L. (2004). Adding an "active learning" component to a large lecture course. Journal of Geography, 103(6), 231-237.
- Cherney, I. D. (2008). The effects of active learning on students' memories for course content. Active Learning in Higher Education, 9(2), 152-171.
- Curtis, S. (2013). In the eye of the storm: A participatory course on coastal storms. Journal of Geography, 112(4), 133-142.
- Hankins, K. B., & Yarbrough, R. A. (2008). Positionality and active learning: Confronting privilege in field-exercise design. Journal of Geography, 107(4-5), 186-193.
- Kim, K., Sharma, P., Land, S. M., & Furlong, K. P. (2013). Effects of active learning on enhancing student critical thinking in an undergraduate general science course. Innovative Higher Education, 38(3), 223-235.
- Kindon, S., & Elwood, S. (2009). Introduction: More than methods--reflections on participatory action research in geographic teaching, learning and research. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 33(1), 19-32.
- Oberle, A. P. (2004). Understanding public land management through role-playing. Journal of Geography, 103(5), 199-210.
- Oliver-Hoyo, M., Allen, D., Hunt, W. F., Hutson, J., & Pitts, A. (2004). Effects of an active learning environment: Teaching innovations at a research I institution. Journal of Chemical Education, 81(3), 441-448.
- Revell, A., & Wainwright, E. (2009). What makes lectures "unmissable"? insights into teaching excellence and active learning. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 33(2), 209-223.
- Srivastava, S. K., & Tait, C. (2012). An activity-based learning approach for key geographical information systems (GIS) concepts. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 36(4), 527-545.
- Beaumont, E. S., Rowe, G., & Mikhaylov, N. S. (2012). Promoting interactive learning: A classroom exercise to explore foraging strategies. Bioscience Education, 19.
- Buehl, D. (2009). Classroom strategies for interactive learning. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
- Motavalli, P. P., Patton, M. D., & Miles, R. J. (2007). Use of web-based student extension publications to improve undergraduate student writing skills. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, 36, 95-102.
- Passig, D., & Schwartz, G. (2007). Collaborative writing: Online versus frontal. International Journal on E-Learning, 6(3), 395-412.
- Tatzl, D., Hassler, W., Messnarz, B., & Fluhr, H. (2012). The development of a project-based collaborative technical writing model founded on learner feedback in a tertiary aeronautical engineering program. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 42(3), 279-304.
- Theoret, J. M., & Luna, A. (2009). Thinking statistically in writing: Journals and discussion boards in an introductory statistics course. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 21(1), 57-65.
- Vie, S. (2008). Tech writing, meet "tomb raider": Video and computer games in the technical communication classroom. E-Learning, 5(2), 157-166.
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