Course talk:LFS350/Projects/2014W1/T14/Proposal

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
November 19016:31, 20 November 2014
Wednesday November 12003:30, 13 November 2014
Friday by 5pm: Proofread and make suggestions/comments here 121:17, 1 November 2014
October 29103:52, 31 October 2014
October 15th222:41, 22 October 2014
October 22022:39, 22 October 2014

November 19

Here is a review of what we’ve discussed at the meeting.

Presentation Roles: - Introduction - Esther and Shelby - Research Methods - Jill, Frances, and Sadaf - Findings - Matt and Katelyn - Conclusions - Kalin

Report Roles: - Executive Summary - Esther - Introduction - Sadaf (Intro) and Jill (Prezi) - Research Methods - Frances and Katelyn - Discussions and Conclusion - Kalin and Shelby respectively - Appendix - Everyone!

Deadline for the Presentation Slide: Monday November 24, 8 pm Shelby will be making our powerpoint.

Deadline for Report Draft: Sunday December 30, 8 pm

SadafHarandiZadeh (talk)16:31, 20 November 2014

Wednesday November 12

Here’s a recap on our roles, deadlines, etc. from our meeting.

Promotions: All promotion leaders - please send out all emails to the organizations TONIGHT with the email template Cassandra drafted up and the PDF that Andrew gave us. If you have not received these please request them from Cassandra. Indicate on the google doc once you have contacted the organization.

Print out posters to post up or distribute around the community! Invite yo friends on Facebook too!

Shelby: Please make the Facebook event live and send us the link so we can include it in our emails and the EventBrite page.

Food: Matt, since you took care of the budgeting, can you draft up the recipes for all dishes? Once you have drafted up the recipes, please send them to Shelby so she can organize an aesthetically pleasing/clean/easy to read recipe page. We were thinking either doing small pieces of paper for each recipe or including all three recipes on one page for convenience.

Ingredient list: Matt, will you be able to pick up all ingredients? If not, let us know if there is anything you would like us to pick up. Christine, a member of the other group, is up for picking up items (she has a car and Costco card). We need to include 100 dinner rolls in there as well (I’m hoping Costco has them?). Please email Christine if you require any assistance.

Survey prize: Matt, are you able to pick up the farmer’s market $50 gift certificate thingy?

Budget list: Matt, please submit budget plan by Fri/Sat/whenever you’re done it?

Data Collection: Jessy, I think I heard that you set up the Survey Monkey? Can you please send us the link and/or give us access to the account so we can add our survey questions on it? Our team will upload all questions by Saturday night.

Survey deadline for participants is Friday November 21 at 11:59 pm. Survey prize (gift cert.) will be left at GNH for pickup. Winner will be notified to pick it up there.


Timeline for Tuesday:

Prep Team: Matt, Sadaf, Jill, Christine, Kirianna, Cassandra, and Jessy - please arrive at GNH at 4:30 pm with all ingredients and appropriate supplies.

Rest of the team, arrive just before 6:30 pm. We will start set up right at 6:30 pm. Please see the attached document for the layout of the room (subject to change).

Toolkit members - arrive at 6:40 pm.

Event starts at 7:00 pm. - We will have around 6 tables for the toolkits, demos, and info table. Welcoming table will be outside/inside by the entrance. - Jill, Sadaf, and Christine will be the main ladies in the kitchen —> they will make sure to maintain constant supply of kale chips and dishes.

Welcome table: - Cassandra and Esther

Info and Survey Table: - Shelby, Frances, and Jessy - Computer with excel name/email sign up sheet will be available (who can bring their laptop?) - Have post-its/paper for ballots and ballot box (for door prize - 1 hour gardening consultation) - Esther will send out the email and the Survey Monkey link to all participants who signed up for the survey on Tuesday night right after the event if possible.

Demo tables: - Kale chips: 1-2 person - Soup: Christine + one other person - Salad and salad dressing - Matt, Katelyn, and maybe one more individual

Toolkit tables - members of the two other groups

Floaters, observers, and schmoozers: All other members. Hang around the toolkit tables, talk to people around the room to make them feel comfortable and welcome, and/or help out with the kitchen if needed.

Start wrapping up the event at 7:50. Matt will announce the winner around this time.


JillianVieira (talk)03:30, 13 November 2014

Friday by 5pm: Proofread and make suggestions/comments here

Suggestions & Comments:

JillianVieira (talk)22:37, 29 October 2014

Hey guys, I think we will probably have to change the project background to include stuff about the toolkit but for now should we take out mention of the toolkit for this version of our proposal?

Maybe once we hash things out with Andrew we can add it back into our research question and the background?

JillianVieira (talk)21:17, 1 November 2014

October 29

Communication plan

  • twitter handle is going to be called community recipe
  • facebook event to be posted – Healthy Homemade Potluck and Recipe Share

Project background

  • talk about how this fits into food systems and food security issues
  • add limitations of research and possibilities for future research


  • break it up with headings and make bullet points
  • finalize how we are conducting our research!!!
  • use google doc to update wiki

System Diagram

  • re-work and make it more organized

Editing Framework in general

  • look at Lucy’s feedback and use when editing
  • how to indent references

Everyone visit Francis’ restaurant!!! Smoke House Sandwich Company. Very high Ubran Spoon rating.

JillianVieira (talk)22:18, 29 October 2014

By October 31 @ 5 pm, Everyone have a look at the entire proposal and edit as needed. Me and Matt will do the final revision before submitting our proposal. We also need to keep in contact with Lucy in case we have to change our research question as it was mentioned by Andrew and with respect to what GNH has requested.

SadafHarandiZadeh (talk)03:52, 31 October 2014

October 15th

Meeting at 1:00pm

- Project proposal

KalinThomson (talk)21:58, 22 October 2014
Edited by author.
Last edit: 22:41, 22 October 2014

Just a recap of our process, October 15-22

Esther: Stakeholders Jillian: Project Background Matt: Purpose & Research Q Frances: Methods Katelyn: Communication Plan Shelby + Kalin: Please communicate with the following group ASAP about promoting. Sadaf: Proofreading, editing, check proposal according to feedback document

Photography: Katelyn The Discussion Board: Esther + Shelby

All members - upload your revisions to the wiki page by NEXT WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 22. Matt and Sadaf, do the final review after next Wednesday for our proposal - check for any spelling, grammatical, errors and make sure the feedback are incorporated in our proposal.

SadafHarandiZadeh (talk)22:02, 22 October 2014

Monday Oct 20: Outreach plan sent to Andrew by Shelby and Kalin Tuesday Oct 21: Feedback from Andrew to incorporate promotion of the herb garden toolkit and incorporate herb garden related questions in our research.

JillianVieira (talk)22:25, 22 October 2014

October 22

Group Meeting and Discussion:

  • Develop how we are going to analyze our research question
  • Discussion on how we can change our method of quantitative research to simplify the analysis of the results (looking at analyzing the macronutrients of all the dishes brought to the event and then analyze their proportions to see if they align with Health Canada's DRI's - within acceptable range)
  • For Oct 23: Second draft of outreach sent to Andrew
  • For next week: finishing methods and proposal background, editing wiki, send Andrew proposal for review, sending promotional material to target audience
JillianVieira (talk)22:39, 22 October 2014