Course talk:LFS350/Projects

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
LFS group 15 discussions022:07, 29 October 2014
Hello Class020:26, 17 September 2014

LFS group 15 discussions

Hey guys!

So with working on the proposal, I think it would good to leave some comments on every section about what you think should be done? I'm aware that everyone is assigned a section, which is good, since we should have all the sections done by saturday. Who do we want to submit the final report? I will edit the proposal and finish my section, but I work all day again Saturday until 10:30/11 pm, so I am not the best candidate for submitting the project. I sent a finished copy of the poster to Andrew and am just waiting for approval and changes, so we can immediately create a facebook event for it! I am so excited for the potluck, and hope it is as successful as we (and Andrew) wants it to be!


Kirianna (talk)22:07, 29 October 2014

Hello Class

Thanks for letting me speak today

WillEngle (talk)20:26, 17 September 2014