All Facilitators - 40 minutes
- Welcome: Introductions (at your table and facilitators)
- Pre-Survey - How did we use the information?
- Burning questions about course design.
- CDI overview : CDI Outcomes
- Start here (and bookmark for easy access):Documentation:Course_Design_Intensive/Participants/June_2017 -
- CDI strategies for learning
- Resources (necessary vs. optional)
- CDI Schedule
Day 1 Learning Outcomes
Theme: Building a Context: Starting With the “Why”?
Essential Question for Day 1: Why might students care about my course?'
The CDI focuses on the application of the backward design approach. On Day 1 you will understand how "big ideas" may be useful in guiding the design of your course. You will work in design feedback groups to offer and integrate feedback on course plans in progress. By the end of day 1, you should be able to:
- Apply the backward design concept to the design of your course
- Articulate "big ideas" for your course
- Integrate learner-centered considerations into your course design
- Prioritize course level learning that aligns with your "big ideas"
Course Design: Table Discussions
9:45-10:05 with Sue
Discussion: Learner-Centeredness
Purpose: To activate prior knowledge (and recent information via readings) and experience related to the concept of learner centeredness and course design.
1. Please share anything you found significant or surprising through your reading of the pre-work articles.
2. In what ways does learner-centeredness show up in your own teaching practice? (Do you have concerns about implementing a learner-centred approach, or are there aspects of learner-centeredness you find challenging?)
Learning Centered Approach
10:05-11:05 with Sue
Snapshot: Student Development Theory
Purpose: to support a deeper understanding of the student experience by situating it in student development theory.
Michael Wesch - 2014 at Pasadena City College - excerpt from talk (16:15 -19:40)
Challenge: How do we move students from seeking the right answers to asking their own questions?
Purpose: to introduce key concepts related to learner centeredness in course design.
- What characteristics of learner-centeredness are highlighted in your example? Consider the five characteristics of learner-centered teaching in your response.
- In what ways does this activity align with core human elements related to learning: belonging, relevance, diversity of experience?
- What would you change/adapt to make it more learner centered (if changes are necessary)? Consider the 5 Key Changes to Practice in your deliberations.
Resources for group work:
- Five characteristics of learner-centered teaching (Faculty Focus Blog Post)
- 5 Key Changes to Practice Handout - overview
- Learning Activities for Analysis (print only)
Plan Your Course: Context and Learners: Independent Work
11:05-11:35 am with Judy
Focus on your course and use your knowledge of the factors that may influence the design of your course to address the first question from the Course Design Working Doc (please create your own copy)
- Use the information you gathered for your Planning Your Course: Things to Consider
- Consider what you know about the learners who are likely to take your course.
- Identify any other curricular factors or constraints that may have an impact on your course design.
Design Feedback Groups
11:35-12:00 noon
- Introductions: the course you are working on and your anticipated challenges.
- Collaboratively develop group guidelines and purpose: 1:1 consultation, feedback from peers.
1:00-4:30 pm
Day 3, Active Learning
Instructional Skills Workshop June 2012
Day 2: Large Group Session
A Quick Survey
Does anyone of the following statements resonate with you?
- Do they really get it?
- Can they tell the differences between X and Y?
- How are they doing with their term project?
- Are they ready for the next assignment?
- I wonder if they have the right study skills.
- How's my teaching?
- Do they think the exam was fair?
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Compare classroom assessment with traditional evaluation
By the end of this session and with some internet resources and your peers, you will be able to:
- Name and describe 2 to 3 classroom assessment techniques
- Plan an application of one technique in your own classroom (or potential classroom)
When you consider those questions asked in the beginning, which element of the BOPPPS model do they belong to?
What are some techniques you have seen so far?
CAT Vs Traditional Evaluation
Classroom assessment techniques (CATs) are mostly simple, non-graded, anonymous, in-class activities that give both teachers and learners feedback on the teaching-learning process.
Fill in the blank, on a flipchart
- Usually on content
- Formative
- Midterms, Finals, Projects, etc
- Mutually beneficial
- On content, process, value, attitude, teaching and learning
- Various
- Summative: for grades
- One-way
Traditional Evaluation | Classroom Assessment |
? | ? |
? | ? |
? | ? |
? | ? |
Any question before we continue?
Classroom Assessment Techniques
In pairs or triad:
- Consider a situation in your classroom in which a CAT may help
- What do you want to assess?
- Assessing Prior Knowledge, Recall and Understanding
- Assessing Skills in Analysis and Critical Thinking
- Assessing Skills in Synthesis and Creative Thinking
- Assessing Skills in Problem Solving
- Assessing Skills in Application and Performance
- Assessing Students' Awareness of Their Attitudes and Values
- Assessing Students' Self-awareness as Learners
- Assessing Course-Related Learning and Study Skills, Strategies, and Behaviors
- Assessing Learner Reactions to Teaching and Teachers
- Assessing Learner Reactions to Class Activities, Assignments, and Materials
- Check out this website: []
- Identify a CAT that you may use in your situation
- Describe how you may modify and adapt it for your classroom
- Record the following on a flipchart:
- Name of CAT
- What it assesses
- A brief description of the CAT (in one short sentence)
- Describe your situation (in one sentence)
- How you may adapt it
- Post your flipcharts
Application Card
On an index card, write down how you are going to apply one thing you learned today in your class
Learning Objectives - Part 2
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Compare classroom assessment with traditional evaluation
By the end of this session and with some internet resources and your peers, you will be able to:
- Name and describe 2 to 3 classroom assessment techniques
- Plan an application of one technique in your own classroom (or potential classroom)
In addition:
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Recognize the teaching techniques used in the session
Furthermore, my teaching goals were to:
- demonstrate a variation of the BOPrPPoS model: BOPrPPoPPoPPoSO :)
- show the potential uses of UBC Wiki in teaching
- demonstrate the use of a wiki as a teaching tool
Wrap-up, Q and A
UBC Wiki References
This page lists resources tools, and a bibliography for learning more about this topic.
Select Bibliography
- Mann, K. B. (2000). You can herd CATs: Assessing learning in the humanities. College Teaching, 48(3), 82-89.
- Rouseff-Baker, F., & Holm, A. (2004). Engaging faculty and students in classroom assessment of learning. New Directions for Community Colleges, (126), 29-42.
- Stein, B., & Haynes, A. (2011). Engaging faculty in the assessment and improvement of students' critical thinking using the critical thinking assessment test. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 43(2), 44-49.
Online Resources
- Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide for Science, Math, Engineering and Technology Instructors
- Description: "Succinct, self-contained, self-instructional, web-based modules that introduce a broadly applicable range of techniques” for use in college or university courses.
- URL:
- Classroom Assessment Techniques by the National Teaching and Learning Forum
- Description: Provides an introduction to CATs, a description of how to use them, and an explanation of why to use them. Examples of eight different types of CATs are provided for collecting feedback on student learning and responses to teaching.
- URL:
- Classroom Assessment Techniques by the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at Iowa State University
- Description: Introduces CATs, outlines their multiple uses and shows different types.
- URL:
- Classroom Assessment Techniques by the Virginia Commonwealth University, Center for Teaching Excellence
- Description: Categorizes CATs according to what they can be used to access
- URS: