Course:FNH200/Projects/2020/Grocery Store Interview

From UBC Wiki

For our full interview and project, refer to our Canvas Word document submission.

Exam Question

Question: You decide to dehydrate some food to prolong the storage time. After dehydrating for the recommended time you find that the food has not dehydrated as expected and still contains a significant amount of water. What could this food product be?

  1. Pineapple
  2. Apple
  3. Peach
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above

Answer: The answer is all of the above because all these food products contain high sugar contents. High sugar contents can lead to case hardening when the dehydration process occurs. Case hardening slows down the process of dehydration when the sugar at the surface dehydrates first leading to a hard outer surface that is difficult for moisture to exit.

I think our question should be on the final exam because it requires application of the notes to solve the question. You cannot ‘ctrl+find’ the answer in the notes and you require some application of knowledge in order to solve the question. This question requires one to think and is a better test of knowledge for students and helps to examine a person's grasp of terms learned in the course