Course:CRWR 501P-003 (This class!)

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CRWR 501P 003
Advanced Writing of Poetry
  • Instructor:Dr. Bronwen Tate
  • Email:
  • Office: Buchanan E #456
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I hesitated to write this entry for fear of it being perceived as fawning or something, but in all honesty this class (CRWR 501P-003) and the web of poets connected to it have profoundly influenced me as a writer. I've been writing poetry for most of my life, and this is the first time I've allowed myself to think of myself as a poet. Lyricist? Of course. Dramatist? For years. But only now a poet. I think this is because finally I've had the chance to share my work with others, and to write poetry in conversation. Until now, mine has been a very solitary, often lonely practice. I always wrote alone. My poems have lived and died as fragments in old journals. I've only once taken part in a poetry slam. I've never taken a poetry class! I feel bereft that for so long I've denied myself (or been unaware of?) this opportunity for connection.

This term, for the first time, I saw a poem of my own printed in a booklet alongside the work of my peers, and I realized how much poetry the world has room for. There are so many ways to be a poet! What joy there is in sharing! I've been inspired and nourished by everyone's work, and motivated to contribute to the feast. I have felt welcomed and heard. I can't tell you what a gift this is.

Thank you, poets of CRWR 501P-003. Thank you, Bronwen. I'll never forget this experience.