
From UBC Wiki


Welcome to the course page for ARST 575K / LIBR 539H. This page will include links to information about community archives created by members of the School of Information's Personal Archives class.

Community Archives Wiki Assignment

The purposes of this assignment are:

  1. To provide you (a student in Personal Archives!) with the opportunity to explore in detail the nature, goals and projects of a community archives of your choosing;
  2. To encourage you to connect the nature and work of that archives with ideas and themes from the articles we're reading in class; and
  3. To begin, collectively as a class, to build an open resource on community archives that can be added to by future classes and contribute to the visibility and understanding of community archives.

Create a wiki page

You can create your assignment page right from here. Just add the title of your project to the box below and click on the create page button (note that you will need to be logged in to the UBC Wiki in order for this to work). On the edit screen that loads, add your name to the edit screen and hit SAVE at the bottom of the page. You can delete this later when you are ready to start writing your article.


List of community archives pages

Drop-in Hours

  • CTLT hosts regular support clinics for people using the UBC Wiki. Clinics are currently held every Thursday from 1pm to 3pm at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology in the Irving K Barber Learning Centre. Please register for the clinics here.