Workplace Etiquette

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Like any workplace, at EML, we agree to treat our coworkers and teammates with respect.


Call people by the name they ask you to use. If someone is calling you by the wrong name, correct them. If someone asks you to call them by a different name, please do so.

Very few people at UBC use their full name in every conversation and context. Many of us use a different name with friends than with family. Sometimes the UBC CWL naming system decides what name should appear; if this is incorrect, tell the EML Supervisor immediately.

Personal Pronouns:

At EML, you are expected to refer to people using gender pronouns they tell you to use. If you're unsure what we mean by "gender pronouns", please ask the EML Supervisor, or consult the UBC Equity & Inclusion Office's guide on personal pronoun usage here.

(Most EML staff and student workers have used the pronouns she/her, he/him, or they/them.)

Did you get someone's name or pronouns wrong? Mistakes happen. We agree to try to get it right next time. After all, many of us speak languages that only have one or two gender pronouns. That said, misgendering people as a form or harassment is not allowed at EML. If you need help understanding these concepts, contact the EML Supervisor.

If someone is calling you by a name you would rather not be called, please tell them you'd prefer to go by a different name. If someone tells you they'd rather be called something else, call them that.

If someone is using the wrong pronouns to refer to you, ask them to use the correct ones.

And please, if you're unsure about any of the above, or someone is repeatedly using the wrong name or pronouns, please contact the EML Supervisor.