User talk:TalyaWong

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
GRSJ224/Reality TV's Effect on Teenage Pregnancy000:19, 2 March 2019
Legal Issues of Surrogacy in Canada000:06, 2 March 2019

GRSJ224/Reality TV's Effect on Teenage Pregnancy

Hi there!

Thank you for your post on teenage pregnancy. As global teen pregnancy continues to occur, I think this Wiki Page is extremely relevant! The two TV shows that you mentioned '16 and Pregnant' and 'Teen Mom' are both TV shows that I have spent time watching, and I agree that they both conveyed teen pregnancies as controversial, rather than as a show that supported teen pregnancies. However, one major aspect of pregnancies that teens consider are the different routes that they can take: whether they choose to carry the baby to the full term or to abort the baby. While keeping personal opinions regarding this topic aside, I believe that talking about abortion would have been beneficial to your Wiki Page as it is a huge (and also controversial) topic that many mothers, regardless of age, consider given the various circumstances that they may find themselves in. Otherwise, great page! The statistics that you provided about teen pregnancy were helpful.

TalyaWong (talk)00:19, 2 March 2019

Legal Issues of Surrogacy in Canada

Hi there!

Thank you for this informative Wiki Page on Canadian Surrogacy! This is a topic that is incredibly interesting to me as surrogacy is not only a means that has gained much traction through social media and has been pursued by well-known social figures but is also an avenue that has close personal connection to my family. After reading your heading 'Legal Issues", I learned that Canada's surrogacy law allows intended parents to seamlessly and quickly become the child's legal parents without going through the drawn-out post-birth adoption process - I had always been confused about the legal position that a surrogate mother would be in as general law state's that any woman who births a child is the mother - so, thanks for the clarification! I believe that surrogacy is a fantastic option that is available for couples who cannot become pregnant on their own. Fertility issues are much more prevalent than I think most of us would like to admit, therefore surrogacy seems like the perfect example of community coming together in order to genuinely help one another. However, I also acknowledge the difficulties of pursuing surrogacy as many intended mother's unfortunately cannot physically experience the chemical and intimate connection of carrying a baby as a surrogate mother would. My mother had actually offered to be a surrogate for a really close family friend, but the couple graciously passed the offer as that mother-baby connection was one the intended mother wanted to experience for herself. In the end, great page! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and learned a lot about the legal process of surrogacy. Great work!

TalyaWong (talk)00:06, 2 March 2019