Legal Issues of Surrogacy in Canada

Legal Issues of Surrogacy in Canada

Hi there!

Thank you for this informative Wiki Page on Canadian Surrogacy! This is a topic that is incredibly interesting to me as surrogacy is not only a means that has gained much traction through social media and has been pursued by well-known social figures but is also an avenue that has close personal connection to my family. After reading your heading 'Legal Issues", I learned that Canada's surrogacy law allows intended parents to seamlessly and quickly become the child's legal parents without going through the drawn-out post-birth adoption process - I had always been confused about the legal position that a surrogate mother would be in as general law state's that any woman who births a child is the mother - so, thanks for the clarification! I believe that surrogacy is a fantastic option that is available for couples who cannot become pregnant on their own. Fertility issues are much more prevalent than I think most of us would like to admit, therefore surrogacy seems like the perfect example of community coming together in order to genuinely help one another. However, I also acknowledge the difficulties of pursuing surrogacy as many intended mother's unfortunately cannot physically experience the chemical and intimate connection of carrying a baby as a surrogate mother would. My mother had actually offered to be a surrogate for a really close family friend, but the couple graciously passed the offer as that mother-baby connection was one the intended mother wanted to experience for herself. In the end, great page! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and learned a lot about the legal process of surrogacy. Great work!

TalyaWong (talk)00:06, 2 March 2019