User talk:Fiona

From UBC Wiki

Remarks on your essay

Hi Fiona,
Thanks for contributing to the wiki with your essay. Here's some feedback for you.

  • For your title, using ==Title== makes things really easy.
  • Consider using the <math>formulae here</math> formatting to display your math formulas. For example, typing <math>a^2 + \sqrt{b}</math> gives you:
  • When citing your sources, consider using the <ref></ref> tag which produces something like this[1]. If you do so, you then need to add the tag<references/>where you would like to see your references collected. See the code for this page to see how I did this or check the reference.

-- DavidKohler



Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments on Calculus Essay007:41, 2 February 2011

Comments on Calculus Essay

Hi Fiona,

Your essay is a little short of 500 words. Can you elaborate more on how calculus is used in economics? Perhaps go more into details for marginal costs, elasticity etc.

JingFeiYu07:41, 2 February 2011