User talk:BenJeffery

From UBC Wiki


Hi Ben, I've just answered an old question of yours which was in the main "midterm" page instead of its discussion page. Check it out!

-- DavidKohler 04:50, 20 October 2010 (UTC)

Resoning for Descartes

Thanks for the feedback, David.
Fixed the formatting. It's good to know how to do things on here. =D

As for the reasoning behind Descarte's work on the soul, it was mostly included because I've always found it to be an interesting idea given the time period he was in. It was incredibly revolutionary at the time, yet has faded to a unique footnote. As the topic was to be about Descartes in general, I felt it important to cover a range of ideas, from ones that left a lasting impression to ones that were amazing at the time, though have faded with increased understanding. I felt it helped create a greater understanding of his works across all disciplines. That said, I'm sure there were more relevant examples I could have used. I've just always found that specific one to be rather entertaining.



Remarks on your essay

Hi Ben,
Thanks for contributing to the wiki with your essay. Here's some feedback for you.

  • If his work on the soul isn't really that interesting and a mere product of its society, why chose to spend a paragraph on it? It seems there are plenty of other things that are worth spending time on then, no?
  • When citing your sources, consider using the <ref></ref> tag which produces something like this[1]. If you do so, you then need to add the tag<references/>where you would like to see your references collected. See the code for this page to see how I did this or check the reference.

-- DavidKohler



Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments on your Calculus Essay007:55, 2 February 2011

Comments on your Calculus Essay

Hi Ben,

I would appreciate it if you take a little more time to finish your essay. I'm sure you can research something up. Perhaps elaborate on lambada calculus?

JingFeiYu07:55, 2 February 2011