UBC Wiki:Roadmap/embed UBC Wiki to Canvas
Embed UBC Wiki on Canvas (Technology)
Up-to-date Progress: https://confluence.it.ubc.ca/display/LTHub/Wiki+Integration+into+Canvas
Past Findings
- Cannot change height of the content.
- need development on wiki side as well.
- If canvas support variable height for iframe . that will help with development.
- Canvas is using iframe to use. So same as iframe. The problem with iframe is with height.
- When you do the LTI (Iframe) -> iframe.
- Is there any enhancement of LTI approach?
LTI with oEmbed
- possible to extend height with the content.
- However, the problem with the method, is cannot create a link. it will switch to another page.
- oembed is deprecated
- Putting external JavaScript on canvas level to alternative height of iframe.
- not possible
How to prioritize/when to schedule
- Priority: Functionality that existed in canvas = not replicating.
- Process on the wiki = novak's team work on wiki
- "Gap" in service model.
- Wiki is always being positioned as "Content layer". (need it to be able to connect with Canvas and other Learning technology)
- Does not have to be complicated functionality -> it can be level of tweak.
- Process of prioritizing = take this to LT ops/Marianne-Claudio and prioritze
- Instructor ask and Use Case= help to prioritize(Email to Derek/Tammy)
- 2 ways to prioritize
- Demand from instructor = forward to LT ops.
- Prioritize on base on principle (for ex: University strategy to support on Open )
- Technical piece= complicated.
- Iframe = Create a documentation as a temporary method.
- Variable height= Search/Submit the Canvas community.
- When making small changes to wiki = Better to submit ticket, and then refer the ticket no. on slack channel.