Wiki Admin Discussion

Hi David, thanks for the note about the broken link - this is a bit of an odd one. It looks like you had written the following syntax for the link: [[Course:MATH110/003/Homework | homework]]. For some reason, in the link, it looks like the wiki software was reading the space after the word "Homework" and before vertical slash mark as an extra character. This character didn't exist in the name of the page, so it thought the link was to a different page. I deleted the space and the link appears to be working. Normally, the wiki software ignores spaces at the ends of links, so I'm not entirely sure what is causing this behaviour. Thanks for bringing this to my attention - I will spend some time trying to replicate the problem to see what is actually happening. In the meantime, please let me know if that solves the problem for now, or if I was addressing the wrong link.


Will - WikiAdministrator 14:54, 1 October 2010 (UTC)

18:40, 28 December 2010