MATH152/April 2015/Question B 3 (c)
From User talk:BRIANCHAN
Hi Brian,
I think it would be great if you write more precisely. For example, in MATH152/April 2015/Question B 3 (c), instead of saying that
, , so , (because here P_1 is notation for plane, so the expression P_1 = ... doesn't make sense. So is .)
we can introduce a point on the line . (See the details in the solution. I corrected it :) )
Also, can you write more details for the Gaussian elimination part in the solution of MATH152/April 2015/Question B 3 (c)?
Thanks a lot in advance.
HyunjuKwon (talk)
Moreover, the solution is incorrect. The line Brian gives does not lie in .
Nicholas Hu (talk)