

A large part of this seems to be copied from and without attribution, which is plagiarism.

The rules say:

* Do not plagiarize; give references to all sources. Put quotes in quotes.

I did not think that I needed to explain what that means.

For UBC policy on plagiarism see: where they state "Plagiarism, which is intellectual theft, occurs where an individual submits or presents the oral or written work of another person as his or her own" (notice how when I copied someone else's text, I put it in quotes and made it clear where it came from. You needed to do that too.)

See also

I have taken a copy of your page. You need to remove all content copied from somewhere else, or put it in quotes with citations. I have to work out what to do about this, given the rules I need to follow.


DavidPoole (talk)21:59, 12 February 2023