Structure for the session

Structure for the session

We will have from 1:30-2:45 for the session. We should come at 1:15.

We will make the following changes to the session based on new timeline:

  • include table of learning principles (as a broader perspective than just Chickering and Gamson)
  • Use table as a pre - reading for the class along with questions for reflection. Add an additional question related to learning principles.

Timetable: 1:30-1:50 for debrief on questions. Promises,pitfalls(or constraints) and planning. 1:50-2:00 review and highlight list of tools. Cindy to add PHet to visualizations. Highlight a toolkit and a couple of resources. 2:00-2:40 case studies and discussion.

For follow up:

  • move SECTIONS to resources.
  • add table of principles.
  • add toolkits to relevant resources.
Cindyunderhill17:42, 22 February 2012