A very controversial topic; yet intresting!

A very controversial topic; yet intresting!

I found your wiki post super interesting; yet it is a sad controversial issue in todays world. Surrogracy in India is an example of the extreme people will go through to "earn" money and to provide for their own family in a third world country.

I think this topic can be seen from two perspectives: One from the surrogates perspective; in which this act is done because of the desperate need for money. The other perspective is from those who are desperate for a surrogate; those who are not able to get pregnant. An issue I think is interesting and you can consider adding onto your wiki post is about the controversy of surrogate companies. Are they really safe? Do the money actually get deposited for surrogates? Is it legal? Is it illegal? etc.

YukaOshimi (talk)21:44, 26 July 2018