Forced Abortions

Forced Abortions

Hi, great job so far on your article! It's informative and interesting since these forms of physical and psychological abuse aren't normally talked about.

One piece of advice I'd give is expanding a bit more on what you mean by "forced abortions" in the Impregnation section. Does this mean forcing women go to a clinic and have an abortion? Is it through physical trauma to stimulate a miscarriage? Are forced abortions only perpetuated by the significant other or can a family play a role in the coercive acts? Forced abortions are a whole other can of worms to open so I think this could be an additional sentence expanding on the concept or, if time permits, a separate sub header. Regardless, I think it's an important phrase to expand on so, if a woman is ever in that situation, they have a better idea of what's going on. Plus, it's a great opportunity to expand Reproductive Coercion to the family sphere and not just male significant others.

Just some food for thought!

AngelaLam2 (talk)17:59, 20 July 2020

Hey thanks so much for the feedback, I'm going to look into it more and try to elaborate.

JulianaCasas (talk)18:01, 24 July 2020