Comment - Benjamin Lam
Hi, thank you for your page. Being a male that once dedicated his life to bodybuilding, I was instantly drawn to your topic. A couple points I strongly agreed with is how masculinity is portrayed regionally. More specifically, how the desire for greater masculinity through muscularity differs from places such as Australia, United States and Sweden. I think something important to note is that despite the common consensus of bigger muscles = more masculine, this form if masculinity is not always desired and is quite dependent on the individual and his culture. Just as you provided the example of Swedish men in comparison to American and Australian men, (from my experience) muscularity is not as glorified in places like Asia. I say this, because I would often be criticised by parents about looking "freaky" and "too big".
In terms of suggestions, I think you could delve deeper into the use of anabolic steroids as that in itself has many facets from - performance enhancing drugs in sport to general muscle size gain and steroids that assist in getting to extremely low body fat levels. Overall, I think you did a great job on mentioning all the key points.