Feedback on Your Wiki Page

Hi there!

I really enjoyed learning about this specific topic as it is one that many forget about being a real issue around the world. I found it extremely informative when you discussed the different types of adoptions as many people would not know that there are differences. I really appreciated the amount of references you have; this helped me feel as though you really did your research and care about the topic you chose to discuss.

One small recommendation would be to put your LBGTQIA resources at the end of the page, just before your resources as a final note instead of placing it before the different alternatives to adoption. This makes for a better "conclusion." Another thing that could be done was to go into more detail on the alternatives to adoption by giving a definition of each and describing them since there is so much to learn about it. I will also agree to ManishToofany up top in saying that there were a couple gramatical/typographical errors, which is an easy fix and definitely changes nothing about the information being presented, but would allow a reader to feel more like they are reading a serious and well-edited piece of information.

In all, I really enjoyed the layout and information you provided. It felt like you knew exactly what you wanted to say and how to inform people the best!

AlexMcDaniel (talk)07:53, 2 March 2019

Hey there,

I also really enjoyed this page. I was delighted that you spoke about how challenging it may be for same sex couples or LGBTQ+ couples to adopt. I would have loved in you have dived into the stigma a little more, especially how parenting is stereotyped in society as a feminine thing and essential to women, it would have been great to see more conversation about the different family dynamics and how stigma may affect these families. Also, I have heard of many papers that mention how well adjusted to life most children are when raised with LGBTQ+ parents and that would have been nice support for your paper as to why it is dumb for adoption agencies to make it harder for LGBTQ+ potential parents. To better your paper, there are multiple grammar errors in the last paragraph in particular that would make the essay much more fluid if they were sorted out. Along with some of the reference links not functioning.

HailleeMurdoch (talk)07:24, 5 March 2019