Types of Objects

Hey guys! Now that we uploaded our summary, everything looks great and we are right on schedule! We are killing it :)

RachelKennedy (talk)18:10, 6 April 2020

Awesome!!! We can keep an eye on the other groups but other than that we are done!

MadisonGoepel (talk)18:11, 6 April 2020

Woohoo great job guys looks like we are basically done we will just keep checking in to make sure no more graphs are added to change our figure numbers!

NicoleHoward (talk)18:12, 6 April 2020

Go team! Good work everyone and thank you for putting in the time, I know we are all really busy! Awesome job to us all!

ShayGilad (talk)18:12, 6 April 2020