Sorting Efficacy

Sorting Efficacy

So my group ended up collaborating on our outline and division of labour off this site, but I am posting it here anyway so that when it comes time for the peer-review, people can see how evenly the work was split and that there was work going on in the background that won't be visible on Wiki's revision history (for example, like the gathering of raw data).

Task Delegation
Plan/Outline: Caitlin & Shan
Data Analysis: Shan
Visuals: Michael
Writing: Caitlin
Editing: John
Proofreading: Michael
Overall Cohesion: John

Explanation of the Sections & Responsibilities:

Plan/ Outline (Caitlin & Shan) • Report results of sorting • Take datasets and percentages and pull out any key information, then summarize neatly for use in Creating Graphs/Visuals and Writing o Percentages of correct/incorrect sorting by bin (garbage, recycling, returnables, compost, e-waste) and create averages o Discuss types of bins available across campus and the signage that students have when making decisions about sorting (allowing for elaboration during actual Writing component) • Rank the bins in terms of best sorted to worst • Which type of disposal was sorted best? Why? • Which type of disposal was the worst sorted? Why? • Percentage comparisons of each type of disposals

Data Analysis (Shan) • Analyse raw data to answer questions in outline • Collect data from all the class surveys • Transform data into percentages • Compile percentages into datasets to show the efficacy rates of sorting into different bins

Visuals (Michael) (Pictures, Graphs, etc) • Transform the Plan/Outline data into different visual mediums to integrate them with Writing component, to provide visual exemplification of material • For example: pie charts, bar graphs, comparative charts with percentages • Include photographs of the bins and signage to show the material people had available to make the right sorting choice • Will also include visual of the school and mark off areas that were sampled from, so as to provide a more encompassing view of where we all were

Writing (Caitlin) • Compile the condensed data and visual aids into one cohesive section on the Wiki page o Add appropriate sub-headings and captions where necessary • Format the section to ensure it is neat, organized, and the appropriate length • Convey the efficacy results in a clear, easy-to-understand manner and explain anthropological and garbology-related concepts so that everyone can understand it • Refer to rubric guideline throughout the writing process to make sure criteria is met and the explanation of data and results is adequate o Also includes editing, proofreading, and cohesion with the whole Wiki as sun-dried to be shared amongst different team members

Editing (John) • Doublecheck that the data analysis and written elements are inline with the topic and rubric

Proofreading (Michael) • Ensure that there are no grammatical errors in the written report, and that the concepts and explanations are straightforward and clear enough to be understood by anyone

Cohesion (John) • Examine the entire Wiki and make sure that our section is in keeping with the tone and flow of the overall page, so that our portion of the project fits with the whole presentation

CaitlinBergh (talk)19:30, 1 April 2020

Editing to add that John will also be handling our teams contribution to the 'Results, Analysis, and Interpretation' section of the Wiki while doing editing and overall cohesion, in which all associated teams are expected to help with the lead in.

CaitlinBergh (talk)01:21, 3 April 2020

Please try to upload a higher res (ie. larger) version of the chart. It is difficult to see the labels on the chart itself right now and now larger version is available when you click. The chart looks interesting so it would be nice for people to read it....

LindsayDer (talk)10:28, 3 April 2020

Tried to adjust the overall size and resolution, but as a result of prior upload it will not allow me to upload the same thing as it says the file has already been created and will not allow replication of the same information

MichaelMandarino (talk)19:05, 3 April 2020

Hey there! I am in the types of objects section! I saw that you already wrote your section of the lead-in so I will add mine at the very end (to keep it in order)

MadisonGoepel (talk)18:10, 3 April 2020

Hey there Sorting Efficacy group I am in the Types of Objects section!

I just wanted to suggested since there are a few different groups with pictures I was hoping we could make them more cohesive! So lets try and monitor if anyone else adds more images so we can decide who should label their pictures Figure 1, 2, and so on depending on where your image falls on the wiki. I also am thinking that once that is established we put the description directly under our image with the figure number first BOLDED, EXAMPLE --> Figure 1: **insert description**

Steps to do this: -Click Edit so you can edit anywhere --> Find picture click on it --> Click EDIT --> Go to add description --> Type caption --> Save changes

NOTE: my group has our images labeled figure 3-8 but we will change them to the correct if more images are added! You can also look at our section to see what i am suggesting we all do with our images!

If you have any other suggestion, questions or thoughts feel free to comment they are of course welcome! :)

Thanks so much, and GREAT WORK so far!

NicoleHoward (talk)19:17, 3 April 2020

Hi Nicole! Sorry for the late reply, there's been a lot going on. We'll have the rest of our images finalized today and then I can let you know how many figures are in our section and we can number them accordingly.

CaitlinBergh (talk)17:35, 6 April 2020

Hi again! So it looks like we'll have 4 images, and since the Sorting Efficacy section comes after the Spatial Comparison one, it would make sense for us to do the next set of figure labels after them. It looks like they've gone up to 4, but I'm not sure they're done labeling yet because some figures aren't captioned.

CaitlinBergh (talk)18:23, 6 April 2020

Hey! Yes I did notice your graphs that have been put up and they look great, awesome work! The spatial comparison group doesn't seem to have finished their figures yet but basically what my group has been doing is just counting down how many pictures are above our section from the top and then changing our figures to match that. I know some of the pictures aren't even labelled above both of our sections so I would suggest just counting down that way as well and hopefully the other groups will add their labels soon! So as of right now I think you would be figures 6-9 since there are 5 pictures above your section! Let me know if you have any more questions thanks :)

NicoleHoward (talk)21:53, 6 April 2020

Good thinking! I adjusted our numbers so they're 6-9 now. :) Thanks for bringing this to our attention so everything looks more streamlined!

CaitlinBergh (talk)22:22, 6 April 2020

Your sub-headings appear to be bold. Please remove the bold formatting as it is creating inconsistency in the appearance of the Table of Contents.

LindsayDer (talk)02:07, 7 April 2020

No problem, it's been fixed.

CaitlinBergh (talk)15:55, 7 April 2020